Williams arcade test unit auction ending today on eBay

These test units sure don’t look like much, but if you are an arcade tech they sure can save you a lot of money to try to recreate from scratch. Currently this official test unit from Williams is at $200 with four hours left. How high will it go?

Rare Namco Breakout Flyer hits Arcadeflyers.com

Arcade Flyers is certainly a unique website, but extremely powerful. I use it as a research / reference tool all the time. Dan H. runs that site, and turns up a ton of flyers because he has an easy to use, search engine friendly website. Today Dan shared that he tracked down a Namco Breakout Flyer. Namco? Isn’t that an Atari game?

NIB Robotron Cocktail sells for $2,795!

I was going to write a post on this Robotron cocktail that came out of the Time Travel Warehouse, and guess that it may not sell for the asking price, but as I went back today to check on the auction it had ended and the game had indeed sold for nearly $3k!

Photos – New Arcade Game Museum in McLean, IL

From a collectors standpoint, John Yates is an interesting fellow. Most of us know that he has a ton of games in some huge warehouse or government building in downtown McLean, IL, but have also heard some of the weird flip flopping stories about what was going on with those games. It seems now, that John has settled on the idea of an arcade game museum, and the photos from the initial launch are quite inviting.

Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 8

Finally, part 8 to the tutorial on how to re-stencil your Ms. Pac-man arcade game. Last time we sprayed the yellow on your Ms. Pac-man. This part is going to cover the piece of artwork that is missing from the joymonkey artwork file and the update I have made to the stencil file itself to make sure your Ms. Pac-man is as accurate as possible.

One Warehouse Raid – A Demon, Aztarac and Two Major Havocs

For the scanners out there, this story is not mine, and it is not recent. This is a story of a collector who has been doing this for 20+ years and has scored quite a few deals. This is just one of them, and it was more than just these four highly sought after arcade games.

Scary ugly Galaga Conversion sold in Indianapolis for $170

It’s hard as a collector to put aside the ingrained mindset of what certain classic games should look like. Recently a Galaga in a Frogger cabinet with a Willis Crystal Castles overlay sold for $170, just as much or more than both a nice looking Golden Tee / World Class Bowling sitting right next to it.