Pengo control panel overlay reproductions are coming.
It’s been a long time in process, much like most projects like the Agent X artwork and the D2K (Donkey Kong 2) artwork, but very soon we should have Pengo control panel overlays for purchase and here is a little progress update as well as a little bit about the beginning of the story. (more…)
Reproducing Control Panel Artwork – Control Placement
Looking to reproduce control panel artwork for your favorite arcade game? Here is a tip in regards to dimensions that can potentially remove a step or two in your reproduction process and it’s all about finding button hole placement. (more…)
Differences in Pengo cabinet artwork
I have had a number of questions here at Rotheblog about the different pieces of Pengo artwork, and a lot of the comments make logical guesses as to which set of marquee, cpo, bezel and sideart go together. Well, I sat down and took a closer look at the artwork and these are my thoughts on the two different version of Pengo artwork. (more…)
Pengo Bezel Color Separations
I’ve been in one mind set for the last couple of days since I finished the Atari Football sideart and Mappy kickplate artwork, so today I just went ahead and did the color separations on the Pengo bezel artwork file. (more…)
Pengo Control Panel Color Separations
The Pengo control panel was the definitely the hardest piece of arcade artwork I have worked on to date when it comes to color separations. I made myself sit down yesterday and crank through it. (more…)
Sega Pengo Side Art Alternate Version
I’ve been excitedly waiting for two weeks and my new piece of arcade game artwork has arrived! I worked out a deal and was able to secure the Pengo sideart from the warehouse raid. Check out the photos. (more…)
NOS Sega Pengo sideart arrives
I didn’t think that the artwork would arrive so soon, but the Pengo sideart arrived on my doorstep this afternoon. Hans came across these two pieces of NOS right side Pengo artwork in Chicago and posted about them on Klov a couple days back. I was lucky enough to get a hold of them. (Warning 😉 token canned food NOS arcade artwork photo ahead)