Breaking News: Joymonkey’s Ms. Pac-man Stencil files online at Local Arcade
Color me surpised. Now that it has been nearly seven months, for good reason I thought the collecting community may never have access to Paul Murphy’s (Joymonkey) Ms. Pac-man stencil files. But I was wrong. Today Paul put the Ms. Pac-man stencil files that he built using scanned art, traced and fabricated from scratch, online at Local

Disclaimer: Remember, these Ms. Pac-man stencil files are only for those of you who already own a Ms. Pac-man cabinet that needs restoring. For you pirates out there who will take these files and use them for your own profit – Beware! You might just be the next PC Amusements and be at the receiving end of a Namco fueled, Normandy-like assault on your facilities.
What do I do with the Ms. Pac-man stencil PDF?
This Ms. Pac-man PDF artwork file is ready for production. The different stencil colors are separated into layers and your dimensions are noted. The artwork is 1/10th the scale, and the actual physical dimensions are included in the PDf as well. All you should have to do is hand this off to a print shop, tell them about the scale and to look for those dimensions, and they can make you a set of vinyl stencils, 9 total (three pieces of artwork, three colors each) for the side and kickplate of your Ms. Pac-man cabinet. Paul makes note in the Local Arcade description says the artwork file isn’t 100% accurate, but being an artist myself, I know that we are rarely satisfied with our own work. This Ms. Pac-man file is about as accurate of a stencil that has ever been made available to the public and rest assured, if there are any small inconsistencies, you probably won’t even be able to find them.
I would guess that this means that Paul is done with the Ms. Pac-man project and making stencils for your own cabinet is now in your own hands. But jeeze, make sure to thank Paul for what a resource he is, just shoot him an email thanking him and leave it at that. Paul has probably donated anywhere from 50-150 hours total between the Ms. Pac-man stencils project, and the Retro Blast website design alone, if not more. It would be a shame if people took advantage of his good will, so if you have some time to give some appreciation and can drop Paul a line that would be great.
Thanks again Paul!
Update: Late 2019
The links to source these stencils are no longer working. has changed hands, and the Joymonkey website that eventually changed into doesn’t appear to have the Ms. Pac-man stencil files listed there either.
Kept the original link to for historical purposes.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 8
- Ever seen a set of Ms. Pac-man Stencils?
- Ms. Pac-man Stencil File Missing Artwork?
- Scans of Ms. Pac-man Sideart
- Ms. Pac-man Kickplate Dimensions
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Look for Zorg's mirror, he is a guy in France, passionate about artwork, and kept up a number of the local arcade vector artwork files.

Are these Stencil’s still available? The link to Paul’s website is out. I just got a Ms. Pacman from my grandfathers old barn and someone painted the whole machine black.
I would like to get it back to the original box if possible.
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November 3, 2009
Where can I find the files now that local arcade is down? Are they available anywhere?