Arcade Artwork
DECO Burgertime – Custom Designed CPO
Long story short, a Burgertime DECO dropped into my lap. The aluminum control panel overlay was beat to crap, so when another DECO cabinet popped up with a slightly better overlay I was lucky to work out a deal for that overlay in exchange for some custom design work. (more…)
Atari A.P.B. reproduction sideart now available
Back in April I had mentioned that there was a possibility that sometime in the next year we might see some reproduction artwork for A.P.B. We only had to wait 8 months, APB sideart is now available for purchase. (more…)
Second stenciled Ms. Pac-man has left the building
Back in July I got to talking with Rich S. about re-stenciling his Ms. Pac-man. I got the painting finished just in time, on our last warm day last Sunday and Rich came to pick it back up today. Click in to see the final product.
Stenciling a Ms. Pac-man – Part 8
Finally, part 8 to the tutorial on how to re-stencil your Ms. Pac-man arcade game. Last time we sprayed the yellow on your Ms. Pac-man. This part is going to cover the piece of artwork that is missing from the joymonkey artwork file and the update I have made to the stencil file itself to make sure your Ms. Pac-man is as accurate as possible. (more…)
Star Castle Sideart Started
Not too much to report just yet. So far, this is the progress to date on the Star Castle sideart project. (more…)
Atari Red Baron CPO Artwork
It has been an interesting month, life will throw some curves. Occasionally I still can work on arcade artwork, and I did get the chance in the last week to quickly crank out the control panel overlay artwork for a Red Baron upright. (more…)
Where to buy artwork to restore a Zookeeper
Being immersed in the arcade game collecting scene I forget sometimes that there is the average user who has an arcade game but starts in Google to try to find reproduction artwork. In just the last year Zookeeper cabinet artwork has been reproduced, so here is a little bit of history, some relevant posts and where you can buy the artwork today. (more…)