Professor Pac-man
Professor Pac-man Marquee Artwork
Turning arcade artwork into an editable vector file is relaxing for me. In a time of stress, working on this artwork in Illustrator can be soothing. Such was the case over the last two weeks. After a half hour there, half hour here I have a new finished piece of artwork – the Professor Pac-man marquee artwork. (more…)
Photos of the Professor Pac-man Sideart
Since I was so heavily involved with tracing some other pieces of Professor Pac-man artwork, Rick F. finally had some time to snap off some large and detail photos of the Professor Pac-man sideart. I have them in my possession, now if only time grew on trees. (more…)
Professor Pac-man Control Panel Reproductions Finished!
My first reproduction work that has physically been made! The Professor Pac-man control panel overlays came in, and Rick sent me some photos. They are at an extreme angle, but that is good for obvious reasons for the two of us and it shows anyway how cool they look. Check out one of them below.
Lower Professor Pac-man cpanel artwork
Tonight I was procrastinating on other things that I needed to do, so I decided I would just finished this piece of artwork for the Professor Pac-man. I don’t know what you call this exactly, it’s the lower Professor Pac-man overlay, or underlay, basically the artwork right below the control panel. The Professor was all that was left with some miscellaneous pieces of the tables and chairs. You can see a small image of the finished artwork below.

I kind of like having whole collection of unattainable artwork, or rare at the very least. I would like to do the Professor Pac-man sideart next if Richard will continue to indulge me and take photos.
Professor Pac-man ghost finished
Finished up the orange ghost tonight. I have pieces of the Professor Pac-man on the overlay finished, but he is the last piece and I will be able to post an image of the finished piece here, maybe still sometime this weekend.
Progress Professor Pac-man cpanel artwork
Worked a little more on the bottom section of the Professor Pac-man control panel overlay. I did a good deal of work, got through the blue ghost and most of the orange ghost before I worked on other pressing things.
Professor Pac-man bottom control panel artwork
Still really interested in having some sort of artwork preservation project going, tonight I was looking through the hi-res photos I had and I decided to start on tracing the bottom portion of the Professor Pac-man artwork. I got through remaking Pac-man before the night was up.