Added an Italian Import to my collection

I should probably stop hanging out on Facebook – I keep coming across uncommon arcade games that I want to add to my collection. This time it was an Italian import manufactured by a company named Olympia. Any guesses?

New Addition: Strato-Flite Pinball

Indianapolis is not known to be a hotbed for pinball, in my 8 years of casual arcade collecting, I have only owned a handful of pinball machines. However, a couple of weeks ago I got an opportunity to pick up a machine just outside of Bloomington, IN.

Is this mysterious mark the Glak Associates logo?

To date, four fully illustrated white bootleg arcade games have surfaced – Ladybug, Mr. Do!, Jungle Prowl and a Train themed game (Working guess D-Rail). When I picked up my Mr. Do! in 2009 I noticed a tiny logo on both sides of the cabinet that looked like an Eye nestled inside of a letter G. Finally, we now have a theory on the company that goes with that logo.

Magic Electronics Logo

The little known history of Eagle Conversions Inc.

Lately I’ve been doing a fair amount of research on those little arcade companies in the 80’s, and how they managed to do business. It was in that process that I got exposure to a company by the name of Eagle Conversions Inc. I was surprised that some simple searches in the common places turn up little to nothing about them. One mention of Eagle Conversions on a set of The Glob instructions and a little bit of research led me to find a possible connection to Magic Electronics.

The Glob Sideart Snapshot

What is a Bootleg Pac-man worth?

Pac-man was one of the most popular arcade games of all time, and a game that consistently made money in its heyday. Where there is money to be made, there are bootleggers. How do you tell if you own a bootleg Pac-man? If you were to sell the machine, how much would it be worth? This post will start to answer some of those questions.

Warrior – Converted into a Donkey Kong. Oy.

There just aren’t enough Warriors to go around, and sadly, it would appear as though there is one less. Here are some photos of a hideous Warrior cabinet converted to a Donkey Kong.

What is this Train / Locomotive Bootleg game?

I’ve already spent way too much of time my holiday time off doing arcade research. One area of research – Trying to identify the game of another white, illustrated artwork bootleg cabinet. This makes 4 distinct cabinets I’ve seen – check it out.

Railroad arcade game - Illustrated artwork