Chat with Tim Skelly – Group Event at

If you have no understanding of who Tim Skelly is you probably haven’t typed up a search in Google. The talented Tim Skelly developed a ton of fan favorite games, pushing the envelope of interactive gaming at the time and he was just in his late 20’s. Games like Rip Off, Armor Attack and War of the Worlds are just a few of his credits, and on February 4th, 2009 Tim will be chatting with the arcade community at Read on for more details and how to join in. Logo

Pacmania sideart reproductions are coming

Pac-mania isn’t a widely popular game, it draws a lot of it’s following because it is one of the last in the series of Pac-man games. There was a Pac-mania that popped up here locally in Indiana that didn’t fetch much over a $100. But, that doesn’t mean there isn’t any demand out there for sideart, and if you have been looking for a good reproduction, This Old Game is almost ready to make some high quality inkjet prints available to those who need them.

‘Avenging’ a converted Journey – Part 2

In part one, Jeff P. tracked down a Journey PCB, managed to troubleshoot it and get it working and put together a parts list to remake a harness for a Journey cabinet that any other collector would have considered a lost cause. In part 2, Jeff will finish up the final details, fabrication of the harness, setting up the tape deck and gathering the artwork so read on to find out how he did it all.

Stencils to restore your Williams Bubbles arcade game coming soon?

That is something that was mentioned in passing tonight on Rick Ford said that he will be getting some vellum after Rich at This Old showed collectors that it is possible to manually trace (with a pencil) artwork on the side of a cabinet. Every collector wants to do it all so let’s hope that Rick follows through if not now sometime in early spring.

New Space Invaders Website Design – Game

One of my long list of tasks to tackle between my semesters was to do a design for Brian at This is the kind of custom work I live for, someone that has seen my work, likes what I do and they kind of let me run with some ideas. I got some general suggestions like ‘Not too serious, think Mars Attacks but with Space Invaders”. In the end, it was less comical Mars Attacks and more “If Space Invaders were on Xbox Live, how might the game look?”

Tracing arcade game sideart to make stencils

Today at Rich at posted a blog entry about how to trace an arcade cabinet with some vellum and then take that tracing to final vector artwork. He goes through the whole process and has even suggested that he would send vellum to interested collectors so that more pieces of artwork can be reproduced.

CoinOpSpace mentioned on Ning’s blog

The thought had crossed my mind to submit arcade game network to to spotlight on the Ning blog. I see about 4-5 sites spotlit a day, but most of them have in the 1,000 member range. I thought, I’ll send it to them when we have about 500 members, at least that is fairly significant. Low and behold, they found us and wrote a little review on our classic arcade game site without my prompting.

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