Sinistar hungers for his own comic strip

You remember Sinistar, the sweet devil cat planet that taunts you as you play “Run Coward”, “I Hunger” and “Beware I Live”. Cut and comforting, I imagine the playing experience of Sinistar in the 80’s was similar to an experience I had playing Resident Evil at 2:12 am in a dark basement jacked up on Mellow Yellow. But who knew he could also be so…funny? Stephen Notley figured when compared to a PO’d daisy anything is funny and gave Sinistar his own book of comic strips.

Coffee with Sinistar Book

Different Mr. Do! Bezel Sizes

I was looking forward to today, a package was coming for me that contained not one but two of those character artwork Mr. Do! bezels that you can find on the rare white licensed version of the game. The price to ship is the same whether it was one or two, so I just bought both. However, I got a little bit of a surprise when I did some comparison.

Sinistar for $200 Craigslist – Phoenix Arizona

I don’t usually say the typical “If only you were closer”, but wow, a working Sinistar for $200 with a whole bunch of new parts. I would be all over that if I was anywhere near Arizona.

Interesting Arcade Links – 2009-04-19

  • Starting to blog fairly regularly, other original arcade content on The link to those posts – #
  • My Mad Planets had a small fix, & is done. Plus, based on pcb condition, may have been HUO for most of it’s life – #
  • Venture 2 arcade game? Some home brew sequal to this classic Exidy game. Good? Try it if you’re a fan – #
  • Wearing my retro Donkey Kong champion tshirt in excitement of talking

Rally-X overlay separations finished

Over Christmas I had time that I was able to vectorize the Rally-X control panel overlay artwork. I knew that once school started, I probably wouldn’t get back to the color separations until May. Instead, I finished them this week knowing that there were probably a couple of other pieces that I’d like to do in that downtime.

Star Wars cockpit marquee glass films

Just over a week and a half ago a Star Wars cockpit glass marquee sold on ebay for $182.50! Wow. Quite a bit of demand for an original piece of glass in great condition. With shipping that is over $200.00 for this one piece of artwork. Wonder if the winner saw my post about the Star Wars films and that eventually these pieces will be reproduced.

A.P.B Sideart, CPO & Marquee Reproductions

I almost missed this a day ago, but Steven P. posted on preview image of his vectorization / reproduction progress on A.P.B artwork. For over a year he’s been consistently working on the details of the control panel overlay, marquee and sideart. A tremendous undertaking, here is one of those preview images from the thread.