Mad Planets underlay artwork progress part 2

Soon after I got my $50 Mad Planets deal, I wasn’t sure that I was going to finish turning the underlay artwork into vectors before I picked the game up and brought it back to Indianapolis. But Rory B. stepped up, got his NOS Mad Planets Underlay scanned and sent me a copy of that scan to finish tracing the artwork when possible.

Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom CPO Reproductions

That’s a mouthful, and something you wouldn’t sit down and think “Hey, there’s a big money maker”. But that is what makes this Buck Rogers project so cool! I’ve been in touch on and off with Shaun for over a year, usually over a period like that an artwork project gets dropped and is never finished. But he got back in touch, sent me photos of the overlay and said everything is done and ready to roll if anyone else needs one.

Interesting Arcade Links – 2009-05-10

  • Asteroids Deluxe arcade game – $110, Springfield / Lexington area Kentucky Craigslist. Good price ‘stored’ 20 years. #
  • Firm $225 for Centuri Phoenix arcade game, Springfield / Jacksonville Illinois Craigslist. Good value, snag this – #
  • Tri-Pool arcade game by Noma cir. 1981, Rare piece for sure. $375 OBO deal, South Bend Craigslist. Worth $250? Tops. #
  • Looking to buy a Gorf? $425 in Louisville Kentucky Craigslist. Offer lower, start $350. Cabinet sides need repainting –

Life in the Fast Lane – The Top 5 Arcade Racing Games of All Time

The thrill of the crowd, the rush of wind past your hair, the feel of the open race track as you speed towards victory in an electronic, pixilated version of the fastest machine on earth… check out these arcade games that were the best of all time!

Fun arcade / console game themed illustrations

I was doing some searching on Flickr about a week and a half ago for some photos of arcade machine or two and stumbled across this fun illustration of Pac-man mowing through a ghost. You haven’t seen anything quite like this before.

Start properly restoring your Satan’s Hollow

Darin Jacobs announced pre-order sales for Satan’s Hollow control panel overlay reproductions today. Satan’s Hollow artwork has a painted feel and has never been reprinted due largely to the daunting nature of the artwork. But it sounds like within two months we could see a small run of CPOs printed from and we have a sneak peak with a detail shot of the artwork.

“Get It!” Recharging the driving spirit.

I believe I just finished a chapter in my life that I will look back on and think “Wow, how did I ever make it through that?” I was a full time MBA student, taking three courses during one semester, and one of those courses included Corporate Finance (where cohorts have been known to drop out in the middle of the semester because you need a B or higher to pass the class). My wife and I welcomed our first child, which has been quite a journey in a short time, and then there was freelance work as well as maintaining this blog and

Coming off that stress I find that there can be a need to decompress. There certainly is plenty to do, and I have about 20 plus blog posts that could be written at any given time. A few days of relaxation can recharge that driving spirit. That is why when I saw this photo tonight I thought I would share it with you all.