Arcade Game Inspired WordPress Theme –

In the beginning of the year I had taken on a number of contract / freelance work developing wordpress and squirrelcart themes. This particular theme was a really basic setup, a custom header with an arcade inspiration and a basic layout for the sidebar.

Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-06-14

  • Free empty Millipede arcade cabinet in Grand Rapids MI (Craigslist). Has 'water damage' but it's all relative – #
  • Super Mario Bros for $200 Kentwood Grand Rapids area MI. Decent price, needs monitor chassis board, talk him down – #
  • Atari Roadblasters arcade game in Chicago for $225, working. Solid deal, fun game, might be able to get for less – #
  • NARC arcade game for $150, working, in Joliet Illinois. Good price, no photos in

Transcript from John Carpenter chat at

Back in the first week of May, pinball and arcade enthusiasts alike spent over an hour and a half chatting live with John Carpenter at John used to work at Data East and helped develop a whole slew of well known pinball machines. A number of interesting items came out, like where most of the Michael Jordan pinballs machines landed and a rare variant of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

John Carpenter Live Chat at

Crazy day for arcade games on Craigslist

The games were falling like rain on Monday. Ms. Pac-man, Jr. Pac-man and a Omega Race cocktail, all for astonishing prices or for free, and all of them gone in a split second.

Searching for a WordPress plugin for HTML snippets

I love WordPress, there is no question. It provides so much power to website and with little work can make any mediocre online presence shine due to the established framework. But since I started using WordPress over two years ago there are a couple of items I am still searching to find and one of them is an easy way to re-use pieces of HTML code that I find myself typing time and time again.

My take on a Hyperball shooter modification

When I picked up my Hyperball a couple of weeks back, I took a close look at the shooter. Apparently it is a common thing to see the tip of the shooter smashed, and sometimes slanted which can in turn scratch the myriad of balls and destroy the playfield. A pinball collector by the name of Ed Cheung has a webpage on modifying the shooter, but leaves out a couple of things that I think could be helpful.

Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-06-07

  • Got in 7-8 games of Mad Planets last night before bed, appears to be working fine. Working a long day, hope to get new post online tonight. #
  • Splitting headache last night, dehydration I think. But I did manage to get part 2 online – of my arcade game pickup trip to Chicago. #
  • Doing research before our live chat with Rusty Dawe, who worked at Atari for many years and was involved in creating some classic games. #