Where to buy artwork to restore a Zookeeper

Being immersed in the arcade game collecting scene I forget sometimes that there is the average user who has an arcade game but starts in Google to try to find reproduction artwork. In just the last year Zookeeper cabinet artwork has been reproduced, so here is a little bit of history, some relevant posts and where you can buy the artwork today.

How to identify this Nintendo VS. Game Board

There are two websites that are really great for identifying an unknown arcade game board (PCB), PCB photos at Xmission and the good old Crazy Kong website. I have a number of websites bookmarked as PCB identification resources, but these two are the best.

Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-07-12

  • Space Invaders – $300, St. Johns (North of Lansing) Michigan Craigslist. Same guy w/ Make Trax – Offer Package deal? http://snipr.com/mczpy #
  • Like a bad penny, empty Millipede cabinet is back! Had to laugh, new owner is desperate to shed after only 2 weeks – http://snipr.com/mczs3 #
  • Tekken 2 arcade game – $150. Reasonable price, seen people trying to sell for $800, LOL. Cincinnati Craigslist – http://tinyurl.com/l8xw3y #
  • Rough cabinet, but working Pole Position 2 for $250. Good price, great classic

Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-07-05

  • Got new Gameroom magazine tonight. Interview with Rich Adams – creator of Gravitar. So weird, I just found him on Facebook last week. #
  • Alan Murphy, creator of Atari's APB will be chatting with Coinopspace in August. Who knows, could be a tandem chat with another creator. #
  • Steve Wiebe chat transcript, in raw form, now online at Coinopspace, and hopefully still soon in Gameroom magazine – http://snipr.com/l8647 #
  • Atari Toobin for sale in Fort Wayne, IN on Craigslist – $300. Good price,

King of Kong chat transcript now online at Coinopspace

Late late last night I was up following the Tigers game and took the opportunity to post the raw transcript from the Steve Wiebe chat from Coinopspace.com in April.

Video of Owen Rubin and “Kermit” – Atari’s Robot Pet

Stumbled across this video tonight with Owen Rubin, creator of Major Havoc and a number of other famous Atari games, talking about ‘Kermit’ the electronic pet that was way ahead of its time. This video really doesn’t have any classic arcade information in it other than Owen’s general connection arcade lore, but there were some references that came out during the live chat with Owen on Coinopspace about ‘Kermit’ that I had to at least watch a little bit.

Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-06-28

  • 2 cocktail cabinets – $150 in Louisville, KY. Amazing deal! Trivia Whiz and Exploder 4? That can't be right. http://tinyurl.com/n9574m #
  • Stop motion Donkey Kong video made using only sticky notes outside a brick office building. Very cool, ton of work – http://snipr.com/kxi0r #
  • Top X list can = great traffic on social media sites, even if list is cliche & recycled. This one got 475 Diggs! http://tinyurl.com/rddcl2 #
  • Getting prepped to talk with Q*Bert creator Warren Davis – live,