More bootleg artwork cabinets – Time Pilot & Vanguard?

As collectors, we all have our fragmented historical interests when it comes to a certain manufacturer or game creator. Each time more photos pop up of these white cabinets with the painted sideart that would illicit a disparage from purists, it further imbues my wish of having been older and aware during the classic period of gaming. This time, someone forwarded me photos of a Time Pilot and I found photos of one other unknown cabinet that maybe someone has a guess on identity.

Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-07-19

  • Asteroids Deluxe for $450 in Chicago, IL on Craigslist. Check the condition, cabinet & artwork does look good – #
  • Sega Frogger arcade game in Allegan / Kalamazoo MI Craigslist. Working condition unknown, selling for less $200? – #
  • Pac-man cabinet – $50 housing a Sky Shark in Columbus, OH Craigslist. Good price, sell off parts & cost = wash. #
  • Multi Williams game in a Moon Patrol cabinet for $400 – Chicago, IL Craigslist. Good price,

One of the 3-4 HUO Pengo’s is up for sale

Not mine. I doubt I’ll ever have to worry about needing to sell off my HUO Pengo to pay for a bike. The nice thing about a HUO game is that it retains its value better during a down market. Where the average user might only be able to sell a beat up Pengo today for $200, Bill might be able to sell this Pengo for his asking price of $700-$800.

Small bulk arcade game parts haul

In the first week of July I was able to make some arrangements to pick up the arcade game remnants from a former operator here in Indianapolis. I had known about this lot of parts for about three years now so I’m glad to be able to start to get some of these parts out to collectors who need them.

Boxes of arcade game stuff and parts

Squirrelcart Theme – Connector Distribution Corporation

About a month ago I finished up a new Squirrelcart theme contract. We started the project, completing the design phase, and then waited until the new release of Squirrelcart 3.0. The theme isn’t fancy, but simplistic with a touch of branding that can be expanded with growth.

Potential Operator in western / Storm Lake Iowa?

Where the heck is Storm Lake? That’s what I said! I have unnecessarily innate understanding of the makeup of western Iowa after our trip out there last week. Never been much for driving, and 10 hours one way on Iowa highway was the same fun equivalence as watching David Lynch’s Lost Highway. We got some cute photos of my son on a Tractor pulled into a gas station…yee haw…but I digress.

Regardless, the hobby certainly does travel. In our early morning walk downtown there was a joint named Honey Kissed Pizza and when I peeked in the windows I could see a couple of machines in back.

Starting to fix a Ms. Pac-man playing blind

Sometimes its knowing how to search. If you have a popular game like Pac-man, Ms. Pac-man, Galaga, or a myriad of others they may have a Electrohome G07 monitor. There are plenty of materials online for how to fix a monitor, you just have to know the right question to ask to direct a search – you’ll want to start by searching for “G07 flow chart”.