Never use Microsoft Word to write blog posts

I tell all of my clients, if you use Microsoft Word to write your web content – all may seem fine, but under the hood your website may be one post from a breakdown. WordPress is no different, any database driven site hates incorrect character translation and one day you might corrupt your website and data to the point of no recovery. Read on for some simple tips to prevent a melt down.

Another character sideart Ladybug in St. Louis, MO

Thanks to Pat for finding this Ladybug out there by him on Craigslist and forwarding me the link. I wasn’t going to write a post about the second Ladybug, but then I got photos from the owner showing the bezel and control panel.

Lady Bug Photo 4

My Top 5 ‘Must Have’ Plugins for WordPress

From time to time I get asked what plugins I use for WordPress. There are a small batch that I install time and time again on a fresh load of WordPress – here are the top five that I recommend as ‘must have’s’ that make your blog site that much more powerful.

My top 5 necessary plugins for WordPress
I need a one click install for all of these to save that little bit of time…but hey, WordPress MU and WordPress are merging, so soon enough this will be possible. …

Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-07-26

  • The Mario Family tree, covering the history of Mario starting as Jumpman and Donkey Kong (via Digg & Crunchgear) #

Sold my Pac-man. Heading back to Greenfield, IN

Slightly sad day I suppose. After a four months I finally sold my Pac-man today and funny enough, it’s headed back where it came – Greenfield, IN. It was my very first arcade game, but most collectors can related, eventually it comes down to space.

Value of a set of Donkey Kong pushbuttons?

I like learning about the history of arcade games, but keeping up on the value of all of the different arcade parts certainly isn’t my strongest suite. I know general game values, but I was even shocked tonight to learn that there is a significant greater value for a set of three Donkey Kong pushbuttons than your regular buttons due to a couple of characteristics.

Photoshop tutorial for punching text ‘effect’ out of an image

This down and dirty tutorial is mostly for Photoshop beginner’s. If you are trying to figure out how to take an image and make it into text, this will be a perfect how to. I have taken things one step further and then placed that text (arcade themed of course) into a Photoshop file that could be used for a custom WordPress website header / masthead.