A new, refreshed Stern Frenzy

In June of 2007 I picked up a Frenzy at a local auction for a song, something like less than $30. I knew nothing of the game at the time, but playing it in Mame I could tell it wasn’t one I wanted so I traded it away. Since then it’s been traded to another collector and this time I think it’s finally getting the appreciate it deserves.

Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-08-30

  • Looking for photos of a Rader Scope cockpit. With sideart would be preferable. Contact me if you have some saved on your computer. #
  • http://twitpic.com/fe72x#
  • Sounds like Darin from Phoenix Arcade ended up picking up that Star Wars here in Muncie. Any guesses for how much? I am thinking under 2k. #

Alohomora! Indianapolis based Dream Authentics locks up Harry Potter license

“Its new to me”, as NBC pitched it’s sitcom reruns. I heard over the weekend about a local company that makes custom arcade game cabinets (read aggregated emulator package) Dream Authentics landed a license to produce Harry Potter ‘pinhedz’. While not at all arcade related beyond the product division relation to the parent ‘DreamTrust Corp.’ I was happy to hear this news.

Coinopspace.com races past 1,000 members in 10 months

When I first set out to create a space for arcade and pinball collectors to better share all types of content in a more friendly environment I was hoping to see 100 members in the first four months. By February of 2009, I was hoping for 1,000 members by the time of our one year anniversary in October. We raced right past 1,000 members and continue to grow.

Fixed the Tunnel Hunt arcade game

‘Fixed’ might be a loose term. I did a couple of things to the power supply and to the main pcb and the Tunnel Hunt I picked up a week ago off of Craigslist works just fine. It’s an interesting game, if you haven’t played it in person you really should at least try it.

What Classic Arcade Games should be on the Xbox360?

It wasn’t until yesterday that I realized how many old classic arcade games are on the Xbox 360. I always thought it would be a great idea to take these games, and add features to increase interactivity between players. Some games do just that, adding a head to head mode, or just simply add achievements to add to your overall points, but some games fall flat and other classics aren’t even available. But which arcade games should be available, and what are some features they should have?

Illinois Pinball Warehouse – Pinball plastic molds & parts

Ah to pick Gene Cuningham’s brain for a good long weekend. I’ve love to have an in depth story about the circumstances and the work involved in buying out the remnants of Bally / Williams back in the 90’s. Maybe soon, but for now it’s the old primrose path. A little while ago I got a hold of some photos showing off some of the molds that James of Pinball Inc. is hoping to use to reproduce plastics for some of our most beloved machines.