This Old Game re-launches website, this time its great.

Breaking news today, our favorite arcade game reproduction house – This Old Game, relaunched their website with a fully integrated shopping cart using Squirrelcart. If you haven’t visited in awhile, you have to pop by, you will be pleased how much easier it is to purchase arcade artwork.

New arcade game documentary movie?

In my mind, King of Kong was the arcade game documentary that opened up some doors for other movies about the hobby to be made. King of Kong combined a great (arguably twisted) story revolving around one of the top ten most popular games of all time and attributed for its success. The Space Invaders: America’s Underground Arcades is a trailer for a documentary about us, the collectors and our passion for collecting these huge wooden cabinets and putting them in our homes.

General Computer Corp’s Crazy Otto hits Mame in 2010

I don’t follow Mame news all that much, so thanks to Dan of arcadeflyers for the heads up. Apparently early next year emulation of another piece of gaming history will be available for all to play.

Crazy Otto Screenshot

Three Stooges sold for big money on eBay

Three Stooges by Mylstar has a small breadth of interest from a subset of an already diminutive collecting base. But over the years it would seem as though it has done the opposite of most games and actually appreciated in value, reflected in the sale of one on eBay late last month.

Wroooaaarrrr! Sinistar say, Get me Jacket.

Two months in the making it was a clear weekend for a drive, but winter has hit and it is hardly the ideal temperatures to be moving classic arcade games from one truck to another. I said goodbye to the Bloomington Tron, and brought back ‘Deathstar’, or should I say…Sinistar.

Sinistar wrapped in the truck

A stenciled Pac-man arcade game

Restoring the artwork on a Pac-man arcade game with stencils I am sure isn’t uncommon. But in the few years I’ve been collecting, I can’t actually say I’ve seen anyone re-paint a cabinet and document it online. Joe O. (Spyridon) did over this past summer and he did a heck of a job.

Happy Thanksgiving

There isn’t a real post today, its a holiday to be spent with family.

Play some of your arcade games with family, and as the holiday season is not truly upon us remember to “SAY NO TO HOARDING“. Here’s looking at you Joe Bachman.

Wall full of PCBs

Tryptophan. That is All.