Loch Ness sighted briefly, then gone

RGP has been all abuzz about the single Game Plan Loch Ness Monster pinball machine that has come up for sale on eBay. The auction ended this week, just in time for the recession at a every man’s price of $20,327.27! Check out the photos, the eBay auction screen, and a few more tidbits that I found when poking around for more info.

Finding an arcade gem in the comments section of Rotheblog

One of the advantages of having an established blog is that we can be easily found. Half dozen to a dozen times a year we’ll get someone leaving a comment on a related or random post about an arcade game they have for sale. Usually, nothing too interesting, but this time it was a popular game that isn’t too easy to find.

The lost Williams Vector unearthed!

Back in July some schematics surfaced showing that Williams at one time had a vector in development. I poked around a little bit and got some of the back story on what happened to the project and why it never saw the light of day.

Williams Color Vector Schematic

Remember that Bally, Williams, and Capcom documentation?…

In all of its file cabinet glory? Well, James is talking a little bit about that coin op documentation over at the Aussie Arcade forums. You’ll need an account to login and view the thread.

Bally Williams Documentation

Road Trip to the Arcade Game Museum

When I first wrote about the arcade game museum, it was just starting out. Not much has changed since November, but there is a nice base of popular arcade games and they work to boot. No small feat, those of you who own a dozen games know first hand. The arcade museum is not too far from Bloomington, but really isn’t overly close to much of anything else other than the University of Illinois. Why go you might ask? I’ll give you a couple of reasons.

The Arcade Museum McLean Illinois

Bleepity, Bloopity – IPM Invader

IPM Invader Screenshot

That’s all I got for the title today. IPM apparantly became IREM, or at least according to Arcade-history.com, but before they did they released a clone of Space Invaders called just ‘Invader’ with a couple of minor twists.

Sega Outrun cockpit for sale in Indianapolis

Another collector here in Indianapolis picked up this working Out Run from auction just over a year ago and is now looking to regain some garage space – been there! Looking for a driving game in the midwest, you might be able to get a great deal.