He was the ‘Thomas Edison’ of the arcade game world…

That’s quite a comparison, to say that any arcade game creator had a similar level of genius and creativity to Thomas Edison. But that is the parellel made in this article published in July of 1987 that a reader sent to me. I guarantee you’ll be surprised at the who and I’ll tell you right now its not Nolan Bushnell (Atari), Toru Iwatani (Pacman) or Shigeru Miyamoto (Donkey Kong). Is this image a hint?

Mr. Peanut Nutting Computer Space and Sam the Snowman

Localarcade.com to rise from the ashes?

It’s been over a year since the localarcade.com website went offline and the owner of the site has not been forthcoming about what the future held. Today it would seem that localarcade relaunched at a brand new domain name. Or did it?

Localarcade.com Screenshot

Frenzy repro control panels – printed!

Chris M. always has the greatest attention to detail, and has been keeping in touch with the collectors who ordered a repro Frenzy control panel. Since May there have probably been at least 9 updates on snags, delays, and other bumps that Chris patiently navigated. Today was the payoff, the Frenzy panels are in Chicago and look awesome.

Pepper II, Free from Craigslist

Timing is everything for collectors and Craigslist. I woke up Monday morning Aug. 9th and saw that a Pepper II arcade game was sitting on the curb somewhere in Indianapolis. I emailed the poster, and he let me know the game was actually in Lafayette. Plus the ad had been online since mid day Sunday, so the Pepper was gone, end of story. Or so I thought.

Donkey Kong Arcade Game Restoration – A Photo Walkthrough

Donkey Kong has seen a tremendous resurgence of interest since the movie King of Kong was released. Many more people are showing interest in owning an original cabinet and keeping it in their home arcade.

Many of these cabinets will have wear and tear from 20 years of moving around from location to location and some restoration will be necessary to make your Donkey Kong look like the arcade game you remember.

Here is a photo gallery showing someone who restored their Donkey Kong (not me), converting back from a Rastan …

Best way to acquire an arcade game worth $2,000? Steal it!

Steal might be a strong word, but what would you dooooo….for a Sundance cab? This is the story of one man, a historic abandoned lodge and a video game so rare that finding even a non working unit – is potentially worth thousands.

Sundance Lineup

A Time Pilot 84 cabinet with new life

A few weeks ago I was excited to show the Time Pilot 84 overlays printed and ready for sale. Now this week I got photos a brand new overlay applied to a machine – it really pops.