“Kong Me Baby” – Free Donkey Kong WordPress Theme

After such a positive response to my Atari Command WordPress theme I thought it was about time to make a second arcade themed design, free for download. This time around, its a Donkey Kong WordPress theme, rich with features to use with the new WordPress 3.xx

Mame cabinet side art – The options

In my heart, I am a die hard for authentic, original, dedicated classic arcade games. The artwork is a big reason why I love the games and a ton of reproduction artwork has been made over the years. But the market isn’t as strong as the options for Mame cabinet artwork. Mame appeals to a much broader audience among the homeowners, especially those looking to conserve space. Here are a couple of options for shops that will print custom mame side art.

Original Berzerk Sideart Design via Alan McNeil

Original prototype Berzerk sideart

Today at Coinopspace.com, Alan McNeil (creator of both Berzerk and Frenzy) stopped by with members and chatted live, answering questions. During the course of the session, he shared a number of images from his personal collection pertaining to Berzerk, including what the original rendering of the Berzerk sideart looked like! Check it out, pretty amazing!

The Chilean Miners & Mario Sepulveda as a video game

The world has been captivated this past week as 30+ chilean miners were rescued from the depths of the earth after 2 months. An amazing story of the human spirit, why wouldn’t it make sense to spoof the experience Mario Bros. style. Check out the image after the jump.

Pacman arcade game restoration – Part 1

Pacman is arguably the most popular and well known arcade game of all time. Most arcade collectors will own at least once over the course of their collecting days. For that reason, restoring any one of the cabinets (upright, cabaret or cocktail) is relatively easy. All of the parts exist and many have performed restorations in the past. But rarely do you see a restoration like this. This particular cabaret Pacman restoration will make your jaw hit the floor. This is part 1, and to whet your appetite, here is the final product.

Pac-man Cabaret Restoration

Dig Dug Repair – Submitted Question

I constantly get questions through this arcade game blog about repair. Repairing your arcade game is an absolutely necessary skill to have if you plan to have a gameroom in your home, or at least the basics. Here is a question I got recently from a guy who just bought a Dig Dug arcade game and its showing a white screen. I did a little research and here are a couple of first step suggestions.

Donkey Kong Deal in Indy

Strangely enough, fully working Donkey Kong arcade games don’t seem to surface all that often here in Indianapolis. Just over a week ago one popped up at a garage sale up in Nora and I was first in line to get it.