Centipede Arcade Game Information
Centipede was one of the most popular arcade games ever produced by Atari. While arcade games seemed to attract a fair amount of males, Centipede was one of several games heavily embraced by the female crowd. As a player it is your job to shoot a centipede that winds its way down the screen. With amazing artwork and addicting gameplay, it isn’t hard to believe that Atari’s Centipede is still one of the top 10 arcade games of all time.
The value of a Centipede arcade game has held steady over the last ten years. There are many home arcade, or retail outlets that will sell you a bullet proof, working Centipede arcade game that looks brand new anywhere from $800-$2400. Truth be told, you can buy a used Centipede arcade game for your mancave for $300-$500 working and with vintage usage flaws. The question is always, what if I want to work on my own Centipede cabinet, restore the game or keep it running. This page will provide the resources you need to do just that and get a basic education on arcade machine repair and restoration.
Centipede arcade game – Restoration & Repair
From monitors to new sideart, this list should contain it all. It is possible to fully restore a Centipede arcade game with a little bit of skill, and the willingness to put fork the money.
Historical Information
- Atari arcade game production numbers – (Centipede = 46,062 units) archived at Marvin3m
- Centipede control panel overlay – Silkscreen at ArcadeShop.com
- Centipede side artwork decals – Silkscreen at ArcadeShop.com
- Centipede mini cabinet control panel overlay – Silkscreen at ArcadeShop.com
A list of other cool Centipede resources and knick knacks from around the web.
- Killer Centipede Tattoo – Inspired by Baltimore’s Space Station
- Amazing Arcade Poster – Via Technabob. Cabinets, Manuals, Artwork, including Centipede
- Centipede Gameplay Video – Hank Chien, Donkey Kong Champion, via You Tube