“Kong Me Baby” – Free Donkey Kong WordPress Theme
After such a positive response to my Atari Command WordPress theme I thought it was about time to make a second arcade themed design, free for download. This time around, its a Donkey Kong WordPress theme, rich with features to use with the new WordPress 3.xx (more…)
New Space Invaders Website Design – Game
One of my long list of tasks to tackle between my semesters was to do a design for Brian at This is the kind of custom work I live for, someone that has seen my work, likes what I do and they kind of let me run with some ideas. I got some general suggestions like ‘Not too serious, think Mars Attacks but with Space Invaders”. In the end, it was less comical Mars Attacks and more “If Space Invaders were on Xbox Live, how might the game look?” (more…)
Custom Super Bug WordPress Theme
About two weeks ago I got an email through my website asking if I could customize my free arcade game WordPress theme – Atari Command. The individual was looking for me to use graphics from the classic game Super Bug in the header, just doing a simple swap with anything that was Missile Command related.
Short, easy, and well defined I just cranked this design project out really quick last week in a break from class work. (more…)
Atari Command Free WordPress Theme
In late April 2008, I did a Donkey Kong themed WordPress layout with the intentions of making it into a free downloadable theme. However, as time passed, I realized that I didn’t want to give that theme away for free, so I attempted to make a more generic arcade game theme, on based on the games of Atari. (more…)
New Donkey Kong 2 Webpage Design
Soon after I posted about developing some arcade blog wordpress themes, Rich at This Old Game had expressed some interest in having me do a design for his Donkey Kong 2 artwork package page. Today, I quickly designed and coded that page from scratch and it is now online at
Donkey Kong WordPress Theme – Ver. 1
I was surprised that I didn’t get more votes on my poll about arcade game WordPress Themes. Not sure if many collectors don’t care, if they thought I wouldn’t really make the themes or what.
I got two votes for Donkey Kong, so here is the first version of a Donkey Kong WordPress theme. Now I do want to hear from you. What would you like to see and keep these things in mind;
- This is a simple theme. I want to keep it that way, extra WordPress features can be added in by the user and customized.
- This template may or may not be for beginner’s. Some knowledge of html, css, WordPress and design in general is assumed.
- The watermark is there for obvious reasons 😉
- This template is widget ready
If you are an advanced user, you can make the custom text treatment. Otherwise, you will get a text treatment in your banner / header like the second image. Thanks to Rich for the font information for Donkey Kong.
I am curious for feedback. I won’t guarantee that I will use all of the ideas, but I think that the arcade collecting community will collectively have better ideas than just one person. Plus, these ideas can be carried through future designs. Leave a comment here on Rotheblog below about this arcade theme.
I have heard the feedback, and I agree on one point. The light blue is iconic Donkey Kong. I used the Donkey Kong light blue in the bottom of the site, and it looks good and fits.
Here is a thumbnail of the updated layout with search field on the right included (no larger view)

Arcade Game WordPress Themes
I am curious what you guys think. If Rotheblog started to come up with arcade game WordPress themes, which would be the first these you would like to see done? Vote on the poll below.
Now, if I haven’t listed your favorite arcade game here and you feel like there should be a WordPress theme for it, leave a comment instead below the poll. The arcade games listed here are some of the most popular and therefore most universal in interest. Plus, some classic game artwork doesn’t lend itself well to a WordPress template. Tron – yes. Sinistar – It could be done, but not as easily.
Oh, and I have purposely left off Pac-man (all variations) and Galaga for the obvious reasons. You can vote for them in the comments, but those votes will probably fall on deaf ears.
I’ll be curious to see the feedback.