Walking Christine Mulligan’s dog Lady

I met Christine Mulligan when I signed up to the Public Relations board at St. John Lutheran Indy, but I didn’t meet her dog Lady until about five months ago when Christine started hosting our meetings at her house with warm brownies and beer.
I fell in love with this dog immediately. She never barks, is adorable, playful, friendly, just a strong beautiful little dog. A sharpie (sp?), Christine got her at a pet store on one of the “dog” days, when they bring in dogs from the pound and have them on display at one of the pet stores. I wish I would have been in that store that day.
We finally got to walk her today, and I think that it will be a regular once a month thing, for at least as long as it stays warm.
House Hunting

This was the first house out of the handful of the ones we had seen that I was interested in. The basement was mostly remodeled with enormous built in shelves. There were huge hallways to move things through which also seemed to have a great airflow, there was this cool brick patio out front I could sit on, it had a two door garage, there was a nice wooden privacy fence in back perfect for keeping a dog safe and it was located about three miles from work. But just four days after looking at this house, it had a bid on it and I didn’t feel the need to rush anything. The young couple who lived in it now only bought it a year ago and were moving to Arizona so they were motivated, but it just wasn’t meant to be.
The weird thing is though that although this was the first house I may have thought about bidding on, another house that was kind of intriguing to us on our first house hunting trip had a bid three days later and sold less than a week after we looked at it. From all that I can tell housing is at a premium right now and when we do decide, we will have to snatch up something really quick, which is troublesome if you are trying to make the best possible decision.
Movie at Castleton Arts on the Northside

My friend Christine Mulligan, who I met on the Public Relations board for church, and I went up to Castleton Arts Movie theater on the northside today. I had never been, it was a cool little three screen theater with a nice little lobby. We saw “Shaun of the Dead” which was a hilarious movie. Go and see what else I had to say about the movie in the movies section.
Trip to Chicago to see Sarah’s cousin and the Varners.

The Varners got married in early June, and wanting to see how married life was treating them, we arranged a trip to stay with Sarah’s cousin Tim Gallagher in Chicago.
It was a lot of fun. Friday we got there really late, and I got to see Barry Bond’s 700th homer. Then, we went out and met one of Tim’s roommates at the bar. Packed, but fun, it was a lot like old times. When we got back, we stayed up till 4:30 just talking.
Saturday we met up with Sarah’s sister Emily, who is going to Riverforest Chicago, downtown. Above is a picture of us just before getting on the “el”. We learned the “el” was finished in 1897, just 26 years after the great fire in Chicago that nearly wiped the city out. We went to the Museum of Contemporary Photography, to the Celtic Fest, and through Millennium Park.
In Millennium Park, there is this enormous Chrome freestanding sculpture called “The Bean” as it looks just like one. Funny to think about, it was really breathtaking to see the skyline reflected in it from every direction.
Later that night we went to Second Hand City, and saw some very politically charged sketch comedy in this run down old stage room. Apparently John Belushi and Ed Ashner started there. I wasn’t all that thrilled, but worth a try once.
Sunday we slept in for a little while. We went to the Chicago zoo, and later we went to Emily’s campus and saw where she was staying and met some of her friends. We finished the night off at Olive Garden before finally getting home at 2 a.m., ouch!
My wife can’t multi-task in the kitchen

She asked, "What do you want for dinner? Hot Dogs or Breakfast?"
Of course I answered "Breakfast!"
Well, during her crazy process (see below) of twirling and spinning she dropped the eggs all over the floor. "Those egg whites are the best to clean up, just second to dog vomit but more slippery" she said. Oh how very, very true.
To me, breakfast means pancakes. But to Sarah, it means there has to be a meat and eggs with it too. Plus, she won’t eat pancakes because they are too soft, so she needs to make waffles. So, there is all this food that is really better hot, and it sits on your plate, waiting to be eaten. It’s not breakfast for dinner, but rather "And they’re off" to see who can get the sickest first.
Indianapolis Fever Basketball Game

Sarah emailed me about 2:00 at work on Friday to see if I wanted to go to a Fever game with the Johnson’s from School. I like Paul and hanging out with their family in general, plus I thought it would be a cool new experience. Plus, they had free tickets which is always the big factor, so I figured why not?
It was so awesome to go inside of the Conseco field house, it was so huge in there. And although it was fun once, I probably would only go for free again.
The Fever played the Stars and even though their competition outplayed them and won, both of the teams looked like a high school basketball game with a bunch of really tall drunk girls. I was blown away by how bad they both were, so it’s no wonder the league is struggling.
But I imagine with a venue that isn’t being used during the summer months anyway, why not have something coming in until the Pacers start up their season again?
It’s been three years today that all of America’s world was turned upside down, and although I was naive at the time to think it wouldn’t affect me, it has shaped my life and opinions in ways I didn’t think possible. So, take a moment, and remember those that have fallen on our soil and "theirs" so we aren’t naive enough to think it won’t ever happen again, but that it won’t happen ever again in our generation.
Labor Visit from my Parents

It’s Labor Day, and we had our parents to look forward to. This was the only picture I got to take though with the digital, because I think it is getting old, and too lazy to even let me know when the batteries are low anymore.
Clockwise From Left – Mom, Dad, Ryan (Boyfriend) and my sister Jessica.
It was one of the only days this summer that the temperatures got into the 90’s, so it was beyond miserable. So we came home and played cards and ate ice cream sundaes, which was kind of the calling card for the weekend. (The cards, not the sundaes, I mean, look at us, what a skinny family.)
Always bittersweet when they leave, the next time we’ll probably see them is December, which is a bummer.