Me and my super syrup

Sarah’s last trip to the store held a surprise for me. Now, anyone who knows me worth a lick, knows that if there was more protein and less fat in breakfast foods, that is all I would eat. Donuts, cereal, pancakes, waffles, omelets, shoes with syrup, anything! It’s 8:00 am and it has syrup on it, I will eat it.
She came in and told me to come out to the car for my surprise. And here it is, a non flattering picture of me with my Butterworth’s syrup. Consider yourself 10% dumber.
An image of my dual monitor setup!

I know that this doesn’t excite too many people, but it is exciting for me, and it is my blog,…and it was a real hassle when it came down to it. (I ended up having to get a new hard drive soon after.)
I have been doing a good deal of freelance lately, and as a result I decided that I would treat myself to some upgraded equipment. I wrote a month or so ago that I got the monitor for $20 bucks, I then bought a Gigabyte video card, 256 MB with the NVidia chipset.
It has taken some adjustment that is for sure, but I haven’t had a chance to do too much Photoshop work since I got it, which is one of the two big programs I got it for. But I have used it for Flash, and to be able to get all of my animation palettes off to one monitor and have more room to work is so nice.
The possible home in our future

The difference a day can make. Not to mention, sometimes it is all about timing.
Today we got out and went house hunting, and the second house we walked into, Immediately I knew that it would be a possibility. But as we looked around more this we figured could be our dream house. Tonight we are drafting up an offer on it, and I just pray that it goes through. But you know what they say, “Better to have loved then lost, then to not have loved…a house…without copper piping?” You get the point. If we don’t get it, then Ce La Vi.
But we have heard that the owner is looking for a larger home a little more south, and isn’t ready to move out just yet, so maybe with our plans to move-in in January this is God’s will for us to be in this house.
The house has 2600 sq. feet, almost an acre of land, great location down by Greenwood with the theaters and mall and everything. It will come with all of the appliances, is new, built in ’92 and is in move in condition. As you can see from the photos, it has big spacious rooms, and an almost “jacuzzi” bathtub in the master bedroom.
I am so excited, I can’t concentrate on my other work right now, hence this entry. We’ll keep everyone updated.
Avi S. stops into town

On a day that already had a ton of stuff going on, I got a call from a good old college bud, Avi S.
He was working in out in Greenfield (Green’tucky) for the night, which is about a half hour east of us. But he actually drove closer in to town and we went out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse.
It was same old same old with Avi, which is great that things haven’t changed. He is doing well in his job, enjoying it and getting paid well, and enjoys this first business trip down here first to Peoria Illinois and now Greenfield IN. He was doing some testing on the lighting at a Walmart in Greenfield.
It sounds like Avi is going to go to Texas with his girlfriend to meet up with Jerry D. over Christmas break. We talked about other good old times, and newer news like the Michigan win on Saturday in triple over time against Michigan State. He was at the game, the lucky bum.
We ended up for a short time at a Starbucks and this is where we took almost 9 photos, trying to get a good one with my crappy camera. So here, the posed looks as it was done to obnoxiousness.
Pumpkin carving with the Buissons

This was a pain, and hopefully, it isn’t an omen.
Sarah has asked me twice why I am cheering for the Astros in the Championship series, and I am not. But they have a much cooler and easier symbol to attempt to carve on a pumpkin, or so I thought.
About 3.5 hours later, and stiff neck I was finished. I never remembered curves being as hard as they were, and this seemed like a larger sized carving when I began, but by the end I knew it was pretty small as I was cutting out little slivers just to get the curves to be perfect.
Stay tuned for more pics from this past Sunday and information about our time with the Buissons.
Roller Skating with School and a trip to the bar

Not a particularly great picture, but out of the whole evening, which included having Christine and her little chicas over for lunch, going roller skating with the school, and then going out to the bar afterwards with the faculty, this is the best picture I got that wasn’t beyond blurry.
We had Christine and her daughters over for Simpsons trivia and a dinner full of giggles and little girl chatter on everything from
boys and the definition of “puberty” is to movies and owning exotic animals like raccoons. We were all going to go roller skating, but then Sarah and I got held up, for me something with work I had to help out, and Sarah was trying to clean up the apartment.
By the time we finally got to the roller rink, there were only :45 minutes left, and I had planned on skating, but wasn’t going to pay to skate for only that long. Fortunately Mr. Herre had gotten skates, and had 12 size shoes. It was a blast to do that again, hard at first being back on four squarely set wheels instead of four in a row on my blades, but great none the less.
Then we went to that bar and watched the Yankees kick the hell out of the Red Sox, who have all but rolled over.
More House Hunting in Beech Grove

This is another house we looked at last week, on a last minute notice as our realtor called up and arranged a showing on the spot, that was intriguing.
An older home that had been kept up really nice, there was new carpet and huge rooms. Both the dining room and living room were enormous with two large bedrooms. The upstairs reminded me of my Aunt Pat’s old house, just large enough maybe for a daybed and an unfinished attic that could be made into a perfect playroom.
It had a lot of character. There was a back exit out of the driveway to the alley behind the house. There was an enormous walk through closet from the dining room to one of the bedrooms and it had built in shelves and a enclosed porch.
The only downside was the price, and I didn’t have the emotional reaction I did to the other house in Beech Grove. As much as I liked the inside of this house, I almost couldn’t picture myself living there. But if it is still on the market in a couple of months and comes down in price significantly, it is enough of a “move in” house that I would consider it.