Gottlieb Mad Planets
Acquiring more pieces to the Mad Planets puzzle
I love getting packages in the mail, especially when you generally know when they’re coming but not when. We were away from home over the weekend, but when I got home there was a package sitting at home waiting for me with some more pieces for my Mad Planets, pieces I wasn’t sure I could get but then became available this week and now they’re in hand. (more…)
The “Mad” Planets align, got game guts in the mail
Back in November of 2008 I played Mad Planets for the first time and knew that I had to have one for my collection. I am not sure that has ever happened to me before, and I knew when a member at posted in the Mad Planets group that they had just about all of the guts for one and were looking to sell them that this was a unique opportunity and I couldn’t pass it up. Today when I got home, the boxes were sitting on the doorstep.