Picked up Tron in Columbus, Indiana
It has been so long since I did a game pickup, over 2 years! Most of my collecting over the last several years has been artwork. But when a Tron comes up for sale in my backyard with a great little back story – its a no brainer purchase! (more…)
Catch Tron Legacy IMAX & play some original Tron
28 years later, Tron Legacy is ripping up the silver screen with its $200 million+ budget and its dazzling special effects. The movie is a reminder of how cutting edge of an idea the original Tron was back in 1982 and the greatness of the original Tron game by Midway. You can get that little nostalgia fix here locally in Indianapolis, just head down town and bring a quarter. (more…)
Who needs a Tron?
After about three plus weeks of scheduling, mostly from my end, tonight I headed down to Bloomington Indiana and picked up a Tron arcade game from the middle of no where that had been in a garage for the last 14 years. (more…)
Tron jacket on eBay
You never know what will show up on ebay. This week it was a Tron jacket made by Adidas that ended up selling for $152.01! Crazy.