Arcade Resources
Rotheblog hits 130,000+ Unique Vistors!
As of my last writing, my arcade game blog had just crossed the 20,000+ monthly unique visitor plateau. Though, I knew as of that writing that I was going through a tremendous growth spike, I just never would have guessed just how high it would go. (more…)
Mr. Do! Cocktail Conversion Artwork
Yesterday I was browsing for some Food Fight photos and came across this photo on another well known arcade collector’s website. Obviously a conversion as Mr. Do! did not come in a Midway style cabinet, this is probably the best looking Mr. Do! cocktail I have ever seen.

Reproducing Control Panel Artwork – Control Placement
Looking to reproduce control panel artwork for your favorite arcade game? Here is a tip in regards to dimensions that can potentially remove a step or two in your reproduction process and it’s all about finding button hole placement. (more…)
Zaxxon Control Panel Overlays
Any arcade reproduction artwork project can take a long time and these Zaxxon CPOs weren’t any different. First mentioned nearly two years ago, this piece of Zaxxon artwork was no different but the overlays are finally finished and up for sale. (more…)
Difference in arcade button switches
I remember starting out learning about arcade games. It could be hard sometimes to find out answers to even the simplest questions. Then, after we learn about the details and parts of the arcade game I take it for granted that everyone knows what I know.
Yesterday I had a collector who was looking to clean up their NBA Jam buttons by taking them a part for a thorough scrubbing. I asked the guy what sort of switches the buttons had, leaf or micro assuming that they probably had micro switch buttons since NBA Jam is a JAMMA game from 1993. But he asked, “How do I tell the difference”. So, this short post is for him. (more…)
White Mr. Do! in New York
A little persistence and a good memory pays off. Last week I saw a post on the Klov forums by a member named ‘alphamonster’ (Eric D.). That rang a bell and I remembered that I was tracking down an arcade collector by the same handle who I thought had a white Mr. Do! with sideart. Turns out I was right, and this time I was more successful. (more…)
Moon Shuttle Marquee Scan
Really quick. Yesterday I got a hi resolution scan of a marquee for the game Moon Shuttle. Kind of random I know, but if anyone wants a copy of the two files to stitch together you can download them from this post. (more…)