Arcade Resources
Updated Website – Tokens Only
Chris Moore and I had been talking, and now that he is sharing some great arcade information with some regularity on his Tokens Only arcade blog he was finding that there needed to be some changes from how he thought his website would be structured. Since his navigation is image based, that meant some changes to the buttons and I thought this a perfect time to do an update on the joystick that the original designer made some 2-3 years ago. (more…)
Amazing Arcade Themed Illustration
Looking through my feeds today for some design ideas I came across a post that had an awesome piece of arcade themed artwork in it! Check out this Space Invaders, Pac-man and much more-piece below. Oh, and to me this one doesn’t even scratch the surface of some of the work of this Guilherme Marconi! Makes me feel awestruck inspired and silly all at once.

Crazy arcade game of the day – Swimmer
I got to browsing some profiles on the Great Game Database the other night and I came across a listing for a game called ‘Swimmer’. Never heard of that one. I went and checked out the listing on KIov – hum dinger. Purple people eaters, underwater fruit, crabs with crane like claws and full artwork including speaker grill overlays on top of Presidential wood grain cabinet?! This is a doozie. Check it out.

Reproducing Control Panel Artwork – Measurements
I wrote about how to measure / figure out the placement of the controls on your game control panel, now let’s talk about how to get the correct measurements for your artwork, and how to set up your Illustrator canvas to match. It’s pretty easy, but if you haven’t sat down and thought about it then getting the correct measurements on your artwork may be difficult. (more…)
Value of Atari Cyberstorm Prototype?
I received a message from an ex-wife of a former Atari employee out west who claims that she has an Atari prototype called Cyberstorm. Apparently her husband used to work for Atari and she is trying to figure out how much the game is worth and is trying to sell it. (more…)
Cheap Pengo in Charlevoix Michigan
Not sure if this one has hit many arcade game collector’s radars or not, probably because this Craigslist listing was filed under games / toys which is not as typical. For $200 you can get yourself a working Pengo if you are in Northern Michigan. (more…)
Bootleg or Willis Mr. Do! Artwork
Got an email from a reader who has a Universal style Mr. Do! that he built from scratch! As I wait on photos from him for that cool project he also sent me photos of the artwork on the cabinet. The control panel artwork has some elements from the original Universal control panel, but is a bootleg and feels a lot like a Willis piece. (more…)