Arcade Resources
A stenciled Pac-man arcade game
Restoring the artwork on a Pac-man arcade game with stencils I am sure isn’t uncommon. But in the few years I’ve been collecting, I can’t actually say I’ve seen anyone re-paint a cabinet and document it online. Joe O. (Spyridon) did over this past summer and he did a heck of a job. (more…)
Happy Thanksgiving
There isn’t a real post today, its a holiday to be spent with family.
Play some of your arcade games with family, and as the holiday season is not truly upon us remember to “SAY NO TO HOARDING“. Here’s looking at you Joe Bachman.
Tryptophan. That is All.
Pre-built cabaret arcade cabinets
Pre-fabbed / built arcade cabinets is not a new idea, but it is always an expensive one that comes down to proximity. I was researching on RGVAC the other day and came across this attempt by Scott C. and a wood worker to reproduce cabaret cabinets. (more…)
A photo glimpse inside GCC – Quantum & Food Fight
For many collectors, this amazing photo album is nothing new, but when I first saw this look inside GCC in September I was blown away. For those of you don’t know the history, GCC (General Computing Corp) developed Quantum and Food Fight for Atari as part of a lawsuit back in the 80’s. They had quite the knack for making games including Ms. Pac-man. Check this out.

New King of the Castle? Warlords has arrived.
Friday I wrote that I finished re-stenciling another Ms. Pac-man, this time for another collector here in Illinois. Part of the exchange included a complete and supposedly working Warlords. (more…)
Atari A.P.B. reproduction sideart now available
Back in April I had mentioned that there was a possibility that sometime in the next year we might see some reproduction artwork for A.P.B. We only had to wait 8 months, APB sideart is now available for purchase. (more…)
Second stenciled Ms. Pac-man has left the building
Back in July I got to talking with Rich S. about re-stenciling his Ms. Pac-man. I got the painting finished just in time, on our last warm day last Sunday and Rich came to pick it back up today. Click in to see the final product.