Traded empty Jamma cabinet for a complete Atari Xevious
Just before we left for the Pinball Expo 2009 in Chicago, I had seen a post on RGVAC for a guy in Lafayette Indiana who was wanting to trade a complete Xevious for a different empty cabinet. Three weeks later and some leg work, we finally made the trade. (more…)
Sold my Xevious Cabinet
Over the last year, I kept trying to think of ways to get up to Michigan and meet Mudmantim to get a couple of cabinets off of him, an Xevious and a Tempest. He basically told me I could have them if I wanted to come get them.
Well, the trip itself would have cost more than the cabinets were worth, so we figured out another way. I met him midway in Fort Wayne and got four cabinets in trade for the non working (at the time) but complete Frenzy in exchange. This was a game he really wanted and he is a good friend so even though it wouldn’t benefit us either way financially, I knew Frenzy would get a good home.
I immediately sold the Tempest, I got sticker shock on my gas costs. But I kept the Xevious with intentions to put it back together. But as circumstances changed (GMAT and MBA program), and I fought so much with other games this summer, not to mention fully working Xevious’s top out at about $200, I decided that maybe the cabinet was expendable.
Two weeks ago I found a guy in Dayton would wanted to buy a cabinet for a Mame machine and I offered it up at my cost. He came over last weekend and bought it.

I was sad to see it go. I still love the sideart on Xevious, even though the gameplay isn’t that great. I am going to keep hoping that I can find one locally for market price, it is hardly a rare game.
But even with the sale I still managed to keep two games in the garage, the Food Fight cabinet, and the new Ms. Pac-man.

Progress on the Xevious
We had a Discover gift card from last Christmas, and we had to go to Menard’s on Saturday so I decided to pick up the industrial liquid container of Goof Off. I worked on the top corner of the game, just scraping off a little bit to see how I would apply it and how well the liquid worked. Pretty much worked the same, and it is difficult to apply but by unit it is cheaper as a larger container.
I was killing some time, so I just took apart some other things. I took out the marquee and chucked it, and used the goo gone on the auction sticker on the plexiglass. I found a major mouse nest behind the marquee that I had to vaccum out, that was fun.
Then I peeled off all of the bowling lane pattern on the wood on the marquee as well as the overlay on the control panel. There was a hack job done to the control panel for sure, some shotty bondo work, and there were a ton of extra holes in the cpanel. I have my work cut out for me if I see this thing through.

More Xevious Artwork Revealed
I had the rest of the can of Goof Off, and a bunch of curiosity, so I worked more on scraping off the black paint on the Xevious today.
The can is gone now, so without a real rush I will probably hold off on buying another can until I get through some of the other fixes I have to do.
But it looks good. I just have a feeling that getting the black off the white artwork on this Xevious is going to be harder than the Dig Dug.
Xevious Cabinet
The second of four cabinets I got today.
It was the same story with this cabinet. As you can see, it was converted a while back into the loathsome Capcom Bowling and Tim said it was mine if I came and got it, but the cost of getting there with a truck or something else that isn’t mine always outweighed the worth.
Here are some photos of the cab.
It has some cross beams that will be refastened, but it isn’t in bad condition. The question is, will I have the same luck removing the latex black paints on the sides that I did with the Dig Dug restore? It is the classic Atari latex sideart, so I am hoping so. But for the value of the game, I can’t do too much with it. If it doesn’t come off nicely, I will just have to wait for an Xevious that comes closer to me. They all seem to come up in Florida.
~Edit – I tried some Goof Off on the cabinet. The whites are always a problem, they may be even more so on this one. But you have to love that Atari sideart. Such great opportunities for restores. This is about 20 minutes of work, most of it waiting.