Arcade Projects

Finally got my ‘White’ Mr. Do!
In the midst of all of the craziness, a couple weeks ago one of those bootleg like white Mr. Do! machines came up for sale in the Chicago area! I have only heard or seen these Mr. Do! cabinets in New York, or in Massachusetts (and one in California that was hauled back many miles) so to see one come up on eBay for a relatively cheap price I knew it was now or never. (more…)
I bought an awesome Mad Planets for $50!
I’m still in shock, these things can transpire so quickly. Yesterday was a normal day, push through the leadership coursework, caught up with a couple of people, sit down in front of my computer and what do I have waiting in my RSS feeds? A Mad Planets for sale for $100 in Evanston on Craigslist. But the ad was posted at noon, surely it was gone by then. It wasn’t…and I even got it cheaper!

Acquiring more pieces to the Mad Planets puzzle
I love getting packages in the mail, especially when you generally know when they’re coming but not when. We were away from home over the weekend, but when I got home there was a package sitting at home waiting for me with some more pieces for my Mad Planets, pieces I wasn’t sure I could get but then became available this week and now they’re in hand. (more…)
The “Mad” Planets align, got game guts in the mail
Back in November of 2008 I played Mad Planets for the first time and knew that I had to have one for my collection. I am not sure that has ever happened to me before, and I knew when a member at posted in the Mad Planets group that they had just about all of the guts for one and were looking to sell them that this was a unique opportunity and I couldn’t pass it up. Today when I got home, the boxes were sitting on the doorstep.

Humpty Dumpty..Ms. Pac-man back together again
Finally, after a couple of weeks after moving her into the basement on Nov. 8th, I took a break today from design and online work to put my Ms. Pac-man back together. A thank you goes out to Chris Moore for the new t-molding. (more…)