Arcade Projects
Making a Universal Snap Jack: Part 1
For some time I have wanted to purchase a Universal Snap Jack, but like many Universal games they are not always an easy game to find. Until I am able to locate one I’ve decided that I am going to start piecing one together using an old converted generic Universal cabinet. This is the first in a series of posts to document my progress. (more…)
Picked up a classic! An Atari Tempest Upright
I was lucky enough to pick up a Tempest at the end of July that also took me through a scenic part of Cincinnati that I had not seen before. Home owned for at least 12 years (possibly longer) here are a couple of photos showing the condition of the cabinet. (more…)
Wroooaaarrrr! Sinistar say, Get me Jacket.
Two months in the making it was a clear weekend for a drive, but winter has hit and it is hardly the ideal temperatures to be moving classic arcade games from one truck to another. I said goodbye to the Bloomington Tron, and brought back ‘Deathstar’, or should I say…Sinistar.

New King of the Castle? Warlords has arrived.
Friday I wrote that I finished re-stenciling another Ms. Pac-man, this time for another collector here in Illinois. Part of the exchange included a complete and supposedly working Warlords. (more…)
Adios Red Baron
I certainly didn’t think a working Red Baron would be such a hard sell, but I finally did find a buyer, this Red Baron is headed down to Alabama. (more…)
Traded empty Jamma cabinet for a complete Atari Xevious
Just before we left for the Pinball Expo 2009 in Chicago, I had seen a post on RGVAC for a guy in Lafayette Indiana who was wanting to trade a complete Xevious for a different empty cabinet. Three weeks later and some leg work, we finally made the trade. (more…)
The New Blue & Orange Burgertime DECO Cabinet
In August Chris stopped by and then left without taking his Burgertime DECO with him. Alright, I’ll keep it, but not in that big ugly woodgrain cabinet. As luck would have it, I left Saturday morning 6:30 to pick up a worthy replacement that will help that Burgertime fit right into my collection. (more…)