Arcade Miscellaneous
As long as Pac-man has less scalding than Kid Nation, it’ll be great!
The Namco universe is out of balance. Just last night I was surfing and realized that Phoenix Arcade is now selling licensed vinyl Pac-man family artwork, and now this. 1/10th of the daily funny of dude running through U of M fishbowl chased by cloth ghost, it would be a success.

The Chilean Miners & Mario Sepulveda as a video game
The world has been captivated this past week as 30+ chilean miners were rescued from the depths of the earth after 2 months. An amazing story of the human spirit, why wouldn’t it make sense to spoof the experience Mario Bros. style. Check out the image after the jump. (more…)
Classic arcade collecting in the local Franklin Daily Journal
Welcome to you folks who read the Franklin Daily Journal article about my hobby / passion for collecting arcade games.
If you are looking to learn more about the hobby please visit the official article page. Obviously, please browse around the website and drop me a line if you have any questions at all. Happy Gaming!
Easy How-To: Arcade cabinet black mold
Even four years into this crazy arcade game collecting hobby, I am still amazed at how many cabinets get some exposure to moisture. ‘Water Damage’ is an over used term that less savvy collectors use to describe cabinets with everything from mild swelling to wood particle board deterioration.
On Monday, I had to sit by and watch a cabinet sit in the rain and truly define ‘water damage’. (more…)
Road Trip to the Arcade Game Museum
When I first wrote about the arcade game museum, it was just starting out. Not much has changed since November, but there is a nice base of popular arcade games and they work to boot. No small feat, those of you who own a dozen games know first hand. The arcade museum is not too far from Bloomington, but really isn’t overly close to much of anything else other than the University of Illinois. Why go you might ask? I’ll give you a couple of reasons.

Happy Thanksgiving
There isn’t a real post today, its a holiday to be spent with family.
Play some of your arcade games with family, and as the holiday season is not truly upon us remember to “SAY NO TO HOARDING“. Here’s looking at you Joe Bachman.
Tryptophan. That is All.
Updates / Arcade Finds on Craigslist – 2009-09-13
- Roadtrip to Ohio this morning, arcade related (6:30 is too early). This might be one of a few in the near future. Wish me luck for no rain. #