Arcade History
The creaky, dusty Atari vault door is showing signs of life
I was recently asked what I would do if suddenly found myself an extremely wealthy individual. Many things would be in the mix, but one activity I might consider would be to head out to California and plop myself in Scott E.’s warehouse. Scott’s ‘Vault’, as I like to call it, is filled with so many Atari goodies, history, and information that it would probably take a lifetime to document it all. Fortunately, Scott has been on a recent rampage – publishing more of this information for all to enjoy – including new production floor photos. (more…)
The lost Williams Vector unearthed!
Back in July some schematics surfaced showing that Williams at one time had a vector in development. I poked around a little bit and got some of the back story on what happened to the project and why it never saw the light of day.

Remember that Bally, Williams, and Capcom documentation?…
In all of its file cabinet glory? Well, James is talking a little bit about that coin op documentation over at the Aussie Arcade forums. You’ll need an account to login and view the thread.

New arcade game documentary movie?
In my mind, King of Kong was the arcade game documentary that opened up some doors for other movies about the hobby to be made. King of Kong combined a great (arguably twisted) story revolving around one of the top ten most popular games of all time and attributed for its success. The Space Invaders: America’s Underground Arcades is a trailer for a documentary about us, the collectors and our passion for collecting these huge wooden cabinets and putting them in our homes. (more…)
General Computer Corp’s Crazy Otto hits Mame in 2010
I don’t follow Mame news all that much, so thanks to Dan of arcadeflyers for the heads up. Apparently early next year emulation of another piece of gaming history will be available for all to play.

A photo glimpse inside GCC – Quantum & Food Fight
For many collectors, this amazing photo album is nothing new, but when I first saw this look inside GCC in September I was blown away. For those of you don’t know the history, GCC (General Computing Corp) developed Quantum and Food Fight for Atari as part of a lawsuit back in the 80’s. They had quite the knack for making games including Ms. Pac-man. Check this out.

Photos – New Arcade Game Museum in McLean, IL
From a collectors standpoint, John Yates is an interesting fellow. Most of us know that he has a ton of games in some huge warehouse or government building in downtown McLean, IL, but have also heard some of the weird flip flopping stories about what was going on with those games. It seems now, that John has settled on the idea of an arcade game museum, and the photos from the initial launch are quite inviting. (more…)