Food Fight
Food Fight Chef on Kickplate finished
Today I finished another piece of the Food Fight Kickplate vector artwork, tracing the white chef near the upper left corner of the kickplate. The vector artwork was simple, and a breeze to do. I think the next piece will probably be right top corner with the other watermelon slices, since I traced one slice already on the kickplate lower left corner.
I know this particular section of Food Fight artwork looks weird, but the chef is the only full piece I had. The photo had pieces of other fruits and vegetables, but nothing in full, including a pie. I will probably need a close up photo of just those artwork items.
Food Fight Kickplate – Bottom Left Corner
Got some time to start on the vector Atari’s Food Fight kickplate artwork.
The colors don’t match obviously, I haven’t done any of that yet. Just getting the base artwork, which was fairly simple to vectorize. The dot pattern in the pie was the hardest part, and that may just be a smidegeon off, but is very close.
Food Fight Kickplate Photos
Here is most of what I got. I took some time today to straighten them, getting them ready to start the overall artwork.
I have that one good shot of the whole kickplate, and then closeups of a bunch of the individual objects. I am sure I’ll need more as I go along, but some good Food Fight shots to start either way.
Received Food Fight Kickplate Photos
Got some from Richard today, they look really good.
I am really excited about being able to poke around with this when I have time. I think the Food Fight kickplate in vector format would be a desirable item for most collectors to have printed, either to collect or to put on their actual machines. The kickplate is smaller than the sideart, and probably most worn by people’s feet. A collector may be more likely to replace that piece than the whole Food Fight sideart with a couple of blemishes because most try to keep that balance of a good looking machine with the most original pieces possible.
We’ll see, maybe I’ll never be able to start.