Mr. Do!
Finally got my ‘White’ Mr. Do!
In the midst of all of the craziness, a couple weeks ago one of those bootleg like white Mr. Do! machines came up for sale in the Chicago area! I have only heard or seen these Mr. Do! cabinets in New York, or in Massachusetts (and one in California that was hauled back many miles) so to see one come up on eBay for a relatively cheap price I knew it was now or never. (more…)
Mr. Do! Instructions Artwork Finalized
Monday was a long day, studying for a Marketing Strategy midterm, so when I got home I needed to zone, watch some baseball and I also picked this vector artwork project back. After a couple of months, the Mr. Do! instruction artwork is vectorized and ready to roll. Here are a couple of the challenges I encountered with this particular piece.

Mr. Do! Instructions Artwork Progress 2
I haven’t forgotten about my project to vectorize and prep the Universal Mr. Do! instruction artwork for reproductions. I have been picking at the artwork when I can, worked on it for an hour or so on my little mini vacation to Toronto for Fan Expo at the end of August, and I do a half hour stint here and there. The text matching has been a bore, but you can see that I am through most of that. (more…)
White Mr. Do! in New York
A little persistence and a good memory pays off. Last week I saw a post on the Klov forums by a member named ‘alphamonster’ (Eric D.). That rang a bell and I remembered that I was tracking down an arcade collector by the same handle who I thought had a white Mr. Do! with sideart. Turns out I was right, and this time I was more successful. (more…)
Mr. Do! Instructions Vector Progress 1
Short post tonight. Between three new website designs, deadlines at work as well as my MBA courses starting up again this week I still have found time to poke at vectorizing the Mr. Do! instruction card. Here is the progress to date. (more…)
A new theory on who made the sideart Mr. Do!?
Edit Nov. 2018 – For several years I was actively trying to figure out what company manufactured a series of games in white cabinets with quirky artwork, and wrote a series of posts looking to surface new information.
Eventually in 2012, we were able to pinpoint that a company by the name of Glak created these cabinets based out of Rhode Island.
The owners of that company had formed several companies in the same building and were known by multiple names including Omni and Eagle.While we don’t know who actually manufactured the wooden cabinet itself for sure, it wasn’t Falcon or Orca that created the artwork or distributed the game. We have confirmation that Glak / Eagle had the facilities to create their own artwork at their headquarters in Rhode Island.
I had someone contact me on my post earlier this week on another mention of white Mr. Do! machines in upstate New York. They said that these Mr. Do! machines were very similar to Crazy Kong and Crazy Kong Jr. cabinets made by Falcon. Same cabinet design same ‘water soluble sideart’ (This was an interesting comment, the idea being that the sideart would come off with water whether it was soluble or not).
I checked Xmission for photos of the cabinet without any luck. I also posted on the Klov forums looking for better photos of the Crazy Kong cabinet. It was not surprising that I got little help. But I did find one other decent photo and I can see some of the similarities in the cabinet design. Here they are. (more…)
Mr. Do! control panel overlay artwork
With my final exam having wrapped up tonight, I had a good part of the day to ‘play’. I started this over the weekend, I felt like I needed a small celebration to start me off for my three weeks off from my masters program.
Yesterday I started vectorizing a scan of an NOS Mr. Do! control panel overlay. Today I finished that artwork. (more…)