Jr. Pac-man
Finished vectorizing Jr. Pac-man cpanel overlay
I finished up the control panel overlay tonight, I had poked around with it for small periods of time over the last week, including a fair chunk last night. Here it is;

Now, the photo was provided kindly, and since I didn’t have any intentions in the near future to reproduce this, I didn’t sweat the details. But I should probably revisit some of the details in the shoes of Jr. Pac-man in the control panel overlay, the photo I had got a little fuzzy at parts. But, that happens in any photo no matter how great the camera, and you can always use detail shots. Thanks again Richard.
I kept this image small, yet again, because if you want to reproduce the work I have done, I want to make it as hard as possible. Contact me if you are interested in more information about this artwork or some sort of trade. All of my artwork is done in the industry leading vector program Adobe Illustrator, so it can be sized and changed as much as needed without loss of quality.
Starting to vectorize Jr. Pac-man control panel overlay
This week Richard sent me a close up photo of the original control panel overlay by itself. Tonight I started tracing it, and got through about 50% of it I believe. I imagine it will be about two weeks before I am able to finish it up. The Jr. Pac-man’s are always tough, the detail in his shoes takes awhile. It should be another cool piece to add to my collection when finished, the final idea being I would have all of the artwork for making an original Jr. Pac-man if I would ever need.
Different Jr. Pac-man Control Panel Overlays
I got another photo today from Richard of three different version of the Jr. Pac-man control panel overlay that was originally produced. There are three here, one that was used on the Ms. Pac-man, Pac-man machines, one for the dedicated machines, and one for the Super Pac-man conversions. Check out the photo for examples of each.

Jr. Pac-man overlay reproduction scan
As a sidebar, here is the scanned image of the Jr. Pac-man control panel overlay reproduction that I got in the mail with my sample. Pretty cool, Richard did a really good job in finding someone to make it, and picking the materials (poly carbonate and sealer) to make it feel
Using Pantone book to match Jr. Pac-man colors
Next door to my work is a print shop, so in the morning I went over there with my sample that Richard sent to try to do some color matching. It took a little time, but I feel really confident that I matched the yellow and the pink really close. The blue was pretty hard, and I didn’t find anything that was as exact as I would have liked.
These are the coated spot Pantone colors that I found were exact matches, or as I mentioned, best matches that I have found to this point.;
- Yellow – 109 C
- Pink – 674 C
- Blue – Hexachrome Cyan C
Richard still thinks he has a piece of the sideart from a Jr. Pac that he restored, so he is still going to look this weekend to try to find that to match the final two colors. Otherwise, I suggested having him get some hardware store paint chips and finding those closest matches, then send those out to me and I can compare those chips with the Pantone color book.
Got NOS strip of Jr. Pac-man artwork in mail
In the mail today I got my package. Inside I found the strip from the bottom of the NOS Jr. Pac-man kickplate that Richard had promised, lustrous and colorful like it was brand new. He also sent me some sort of Control Panel overlay, possibly from a Jr. Pac-man conversion? I have seen them mostly on the Pac-man cabinet conversion, it only goes on top and doesn’t curve around the beveled edge of the whole cpanel, but it is really freaking sweet either way. I am going to try to scan it in so I have it digitally and very flat. Thanks a ton Richard!
Jr. Pac-man artwork piece in the mail
Got the word today that Richard sent out the sample of the kick plate Jr. Pac-man artwork in the mail. He was looking for another piece of artwork, the sideart, that would give me a sample of the blue ghost color but didn’t have any luck. But he said that he sent me another little surprise in the package, so I am pretty geeked about that too.