The “thrill” of printing – new repro project finally hits the press
Back in June of 2008 I finished the artwork for this “All Pro” game with no expectations on when it might actually be printed. Sounds like the time has come a little XOXO artwork will finally see the light.
Atari Football Sideart finally printed
I was working on the Atari Football sideart and Mappy kickplate artwork about the same time back in 2008. The Mappy kickplate decals were finished long ago and while those were fufilling to see printed, seeing this piece in all its 70’s glory printed on vinyl is particularly exciting for me.
Chris R. originally pushed to get this artwork printed, but he long ago sold off his Atari Football, which is too bad. Still, a limited run of 12 sets will be printed, so snag your sideart today at This Old Game. This project has now been added to the Arcade Artwork Reproduction History list. For more photos showing the process and the final piece, follow the link below;
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Midway Mappy Kickplate Artwork
- Atari Football Sideart Reproductions
- Update on the Mappy Kickplate Reproductions
- Atari Agent X / Cloak Dagger Reproduction Artwork Update
- Slow and steady builds the bomb factory
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I mentioned this in your blog post, but what wood vinyl do you recommend to use / lay down first on these Atari Football cabs?
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February 2, 2010
Very cool.
I gather Robert Meaux’s will be a happy man. Is he aware that it’s on the racks now? He mentions you boys and this repro in his blog post.