Star Wars cockpit marquee glass films
Just over a week and a half ago a Star Wars cockpit glass marquee sold on ebay for $182.50! Wow. Quite a bit of demand for an original piece of glass in great condition. With shipping that is over $200.00 for this one piece of artwork. Wonder if the winner saw my post about the Star Wars films and that eventually these pieces will be reproduced.
Let’s refresh on what that Cockpit backglass looked like.
Here is a screen from the eBay auction for that Star Wars cockpit glass that was selling. No doubt Anthony’s reputation and feedback bumped up the price on this one;

The artwork on this glass was still in awesome shape, and I imagine that is pretty rare. The little bit of flaking was just on the edges which would be covered when inserted;

There are a number of Atari Star Wars cockpit owners out there. What is normally the problem with these backglasses? Are they usually faded? Flaking?
How much does that mean This Old Game should sell the repros for? If Phoenix Arcade was selling Mappy marquees, which are around the same size, for about $95 (if memory serves me), does that mean that the Star Wars backglasses should sell for around $135 a pop, even if they are plexi?
The marquees won’t be super easy to reproduce. They’re a little bit of a bigger size, but more importantly there are five screens for color (Thanks to Rich for supplying the photos);

Rich always does great work, if you aren’t familiar and want a contextually similar piece of artwork to compare, take a look at the Star Wars yoke overlays that he produced that had never been done correctly. They’re beautiful. Check out the video of the overlays getting diecut.
If you missed out on this SW Cockpit auction
Don’t worry, be patient, these back glasses will be here sooner than later, probably a little bit later if not towards the end of the year (guess). Additionally, if you are looking to find other artwork, visit the Star Wars arcade game page for other resources on cabinet art, restoration, and repair.
Star Wars owners, tell me, is this piece of artwork the hardest to come by used? Or why in the heck was the final bid on this item so high?
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Photos of the Star Wars Cockpit artwork films
- Reproduction Star Wars Yoke Overlays – Why the colors are so difficult
- Grand Rapids man confuses Xenophobe for solid gold brick
- Custom die rules for arcade game artwork
- Sega Outrun cockpit for sale in Indianapolis
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What is crappy? What typically happens? Is flaking most common?
Wow, for $120 shipped, that is a 40%+ jump in price for a Star Wars backglass…

These pieces will definatly be sooner than later.
Im Silking these on Glass. But unlike most other projects where I reuse alot of the same screens for alot of different pieces. this one will have a set of dedicated screens that will be save JUST for screening this glass alone for all 6 colors (white art not shown).
Look for my blog post exclusivley on COSP this week
on this SW Backglass

Well Jeff already knows that the old Hoopstar would respond to this.. 🙂
I did think of bidding on this piece, but 1) knowing that these are likely to be reproduced soon, 2) that the original is made of glass and shipping would be difficult and expensive and 3) I live in Australia and with the Aussie dollar being worth around $.71US, this would well over $300AUD to land..
For me, knowing that Rich is on the project (ie. quality assured) and that they will be done on plexi is actually a bonus (ie. potential for breakage during shipping)..
I was hoping for around the $100US mark which would land the repro in Oz for around $200AUD.. still bloody expensive, but what can you do??

You Aussie’s have a whole other levels of dedication to the hobby due to prices for shipping.
I had this post wrong though, the Star Wars marquees will be screened on glass. Last I heard, Rich was picking up those cut to size glass pieces earlier this week.
It probably still won’t be cheap, but closer to your $100 mark for a brand new Star Wars backglass reproduction.
I wish I would have had some responses to meet some Aussie guys when I was in Australia for my once in a lifetime trip in late 2006…ah well. The blog wasn’t what it is today…

Part of me gets rather excited that it’s on glass.. and part of me shudders..
Had I known you back in 2006, you would of been welcome to stay here (not that Adelaide has bugger all to do with it’s 1.2 million population) and played my original-part-imported-based-scratch-built arcade games..
Here’s a business opportunity for someone in the US – act as a postal and re-pack collection point (for a charge) to re-send arcade related parts to Oz.. There is a HUGE community here but shipping from the various vendors/artwork suppliers kills the hobby (do a search on Aussie Arcade).. In my other hobby (CNC milling machines) I have a contact that does this for the Aussie community, but he will ONLY do this for CNC type stuff..
Anyway.. cant wait for the marquee to be printed..

Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again – taking your feeds too now, Thanks.
I’m Out! 🙂
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April 18, 2009
When I picked up my factory converted Star Wars cockpit I watched eBay like a hawk for this piece of artwork. Prices were typically in the $45 to $75 range for a decent piece, 6 or 7 out of 10. I sold my crappy one for that much. I got lucky and picked up a solid 9/10 for just under $120 shipped. I think this particular auction is a little on the high end, but QA’s got a solid reputation and lets face it, the glass is not something you can live without on the game.