List of arcade artwork reproductions – Finished, Out of Stock / In Stock
I saw Jeff Phillips post about arcade websites with reproduction control panel overlays, and I thought to myself, you know what would make an awesome post? How about a list of all reproduction arcade artwork that was ever produced? It could be a master list to record what piece of artwork was printed, screen vs. inkjet, how many, who printed them, etc. etc. Please help me fill it out.
Now there is an arcade reproduction list
I have broken this comprehensive reproduction artwork list into it’s own page, so go ahead and check out the Arcade Reproduction Artwork page to see if a piece of arcade artwork has ever been re-made.
Why this list of reproduction artwork is so important
There are only a handful of comprehensive arcade websites out there and the biggest challenge for any new and old collector is still fragmentation of information. If the money making machine that is Klov could focus less on maintaining an increasingly derelict resource and thing to tie all of this information together into one, social information hub, their profits would triple. But that is not the case.
Here’s hoping, I will start the list off with a couple I know right off the top of my head. Email Rotheblog directly, or leave a comment about any project, that you ever remember ever being produced, ever ever. Even if it is the smallest detail like a fact correction to the existing list. If you can link to a Klov, BYOAC RGVAC or any other webpage / post about the reproduction artwork, even better, I will add those too. If each collector could contribute just one item, the list would be enormous.
There may be some overlap into what arcade stores currently produce, but I am mainly looking for items that were printed at one time and now are sold out. I am not looking to relist all of the available printed artwork on some of the main arcade artwork hubs like Phoenix, ThisOldGame, ArcadeShop etc, so please don’t send me information about Bagman sideart, or Tron plastics. At some point, I may add in Phoenix Arcade’s out of stock artwork and who knows, maybe eventually we’ll be able to include images. But let’s just start small.
A note about inkjet artwork
For now, I am not including inkjet artwork done by MameMarquee’s that is printed directly from the arcade graphic database from the now defunct MameMarquee’s can print off one to a million of any one given piece, and you can research what they have available on their website.
However, when it comes to Archer, he built all of his artwork from scratch and pretty much every inkjet reproduction he did was exclusive, so you won’t be able to find it anywhere else. So for now, I have included him in this list, even though you’ll never be able to get a hold of him.
Looking for Willis arcade artwork?
Well, now I have a photo gallery listing of Willis reproduction artwork. It’s a page dedicated to showing off some of these beleaguered pieces of artwork. Have an artwork piece that isn’t on the list, please contact me and I will add it as text at the least if not add a photo if you can supply one.
Here’s a link to the reproduction artwork list again
So, if you missed it before and were looking for the list, check out the Arcade Reproduction Artwork page for every piece of arcade game artwork that has ever been reprinted.
Additional Links
- Arcade Game Reproduction Artwork – Short list of artwork, suppliers, and who produced what arcade game artwork
- Archer’s Reproduction Artwork – Found at the shared IONPool arcade game website, here is a list of all of Archer’s work that he has done at one time or another, and even some of the scanned arcade artwork he has and what stage of reproduction it is in. (PDF)
- Arcade Graphix Art Library – A directory structure printout of all of the scanned arcade game artwork that Arcad e Graphix had that a couple of people now own (Found at and Mame Marquee’s prints their work from these scans)
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Updated – Arcade Art Reproduction List
- New Resource – List of Willis Control Panel Overlay Artwork with Photos
- Atari Quantum Reproduction Artwork
- Ms. Pac-man overlays, bezels and Two-Bits – Oh My!
- Cinematronics Ripoff Sideart by Archer
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Thanks for the tip. I actually had someone else email this morning about Battlezone artwork as well, and I found out that the sideart was mentioned in the same post by ‘Nash’ on Klov when talking about Black Widow and Red Baron artwork made by Archer over in the UK, inkjet stuff.
I just updated the list with about 8-10 other pieces of arcade artwork and divided the list out into artwork that is still available and artwork that is not.

Discs of Tron (enviro) CPO and the ‘target’ you stand on – both were repro’d a while back. Out of stock but JaysunTen did them.
Don’t know if it’s out of stock yet, but there was also recently a repro done for Galaga mini marquees, using mine as a template.

@Robert Spelman:
I made up the list just off the top of my head, but knew there were arcade reproduction project / limited runs I was forgetting. Thanks for commenting and helping me remember the EDOT stuff. Added to the list.
I did not know, even though it makes sense, that Mike’s Arcade ran a small run of Galaga mini marquees based off the one you sent and had made.

Thanks for the shout out. This is quite the ambitious project and I wish you well. It should be a great resource for collector’s. Keep up the good work.

@Jeff’s Arcade:
I’ll add to the arcade reproduction artwork list when I can, when I find a mention of it or look for a piece myself. But how can I make a complete list with so many games? Fortunately I have some relationships with some of the bigger names that can just rattle off a few reproductions, otherwise the out of stock list would be hard to grow.

Not sure if this is Bret’s page or not, but here is a site from the I Robot bezel stickers. They made some other stuff too.

@Jeff Waldron:
That is Bret’s page…I see that he made some other arcade reproduction stuff, but I didn’t see any repro arcade artwork listed on his site. So, were you referring to the parts listed here, or do you know for sure of other arcade artwork reproductions that I should research the forums and try to find?

Looking for a original zoo keeper overlay. can you help me out. is their any out there. or is it going to be made again. id pay top dollar for one.
thanks kyle

I don’t know anyone in my network that has a Zookeeper control panel overlay. Have you already tried posting in RGVAC and to ask if any one would be willing to sell their overlay if they aren’t using it?

Chris Moore has a Zookeeper overlay for sale right now on the klov forums for $65! Might be a great opportunity for him. I will email you his email addy. He listed it last night, so it may be sold already if you didn’t already know about the for sale posting.
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May 24, 2008
If I recall, the Battlezone side art was reproduced in limited quantity as well. I think I found the link on the KLOV forums, but did a quick search and didn’t see anything.