“Cosmic Monsters II” in San Antonio, Texas
It’s always cool to see an upright Universal Cosmic Monsters here in the US, one surfaced last July in San Antonio TX after sitting in a storage unit for ~20 years.
Cosmic Monsters II in a Galaxy Wars Cabinet
This “Cosmic Monsters” was part of a lot of 100+ games that were available in an eBay auction in July of 2017. A couple of guys out of Napa Valley made a deal for the entire lot and hauled the salvageable games back to California to resell.
It’s hard to tell for sure from this one dirty photo, but it appears the Cosmic Monsters II is in a Galaxy Wars cabinet. Here is a photo of the cabinet.

Below is a comparison to a Universal Galaxy Wars, notice the artwork on both photos on the back plexi and the differences in the control panels. The control panel for a Galaxy Wars had a plexi CPO and instruction card, some configurations of the Cosmic Monsters control panel just had the instruction card.

It’s my understanding this game is gone but whether the full cabinet was salvageable or not is unknown.
It’s always interesting to track the movement of these Universal games. If you ended up purchasing the cabinet for your collection – it would be great to update this brief post with some restoration progress or some additional details into the condition of the cabinet. Reach out at any time via my contact page.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Cosmic Monsters Sighting – Bip Bip Bar in Denmark
- Feeling Lucky! Picked up a Universal Galaxy Wars
- Auction Results: Universal Cosmic Monsters Cocktail
- Making a Universal Snap Jack: Part 1
- Universal game row in the making
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Troy Gibbs ยป Hey Troy! I appreciate you noting that you picked up these games, always nice to know where they ended up instead of them disappearing from view. Hope to try to assist where feasible on the restorations.
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August 11, 2018
Hi Jeff. Just now seeing this post. I am the one who ended up with this game from the Napa Valley crew along with a Magical Spot from the same warehouse. It has now moved to the east coast in Virginia. As you can see, the games are pretty filthy and will require the replacement of some missing artwork and general restoration. Thanks to the work of another fantastic Universal collector, I should be able to get these looking better and up and running one day. I have some other projects in the cue to tackle before these, but looking forward to working on these games. Like yourself, I am working on having a nice Universal row (which you have been a big help to me in creating this as well).