Frenzy repro control panels – printed!
Chris M. always has the greatest attention to detail, and has been keeping in touch with the collectors who ordered a repro Frenzy control panel. Since May there have probably been at least 9 updates on snags, delays, and other bumps that Chris patiently navigated. Today was the payoff, the Frenzy panels are in Chicago and look awesome.
Stunning Frenzy cpanel artwork!
This is always my payoff, to see photos of an arcade piece I worked on. The Frenzy panels ended up being shipped directly to the fab shop, so Chris went by and took a look today and snapped a couple of photos. Here they are;

8 months later the panels are just a few steps away from being finished and shipped out. These projects always take time, and there are always unforseen delays. Keep posted here for more updates when the fab shop is done doing the upper bend and Chris starts to ship them out.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Frenzy reproduction control panels – Progress update
- Frenzy NOS Cpanel shipping to Oklahoma
- Frenzy – Going to trade it this weekend
- A new, refreshed Stern Frenzy
- Pengo Numerals CPO Vectorized!
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August 20, 2010
Beautiful.. Just gorgeous. Excuse my ignorance Chris .. Jeff, as I haven’t followed this project, but are these screenprinted onto the panel or digitally printed onto the panel and then clearcoated?
Very nice regardless!!!!! 🙂