Printed in all it’s purple glory

Started in February, and now finished in late May – Time Pilot ’84 control panel overlays are now available to restore you own machine. Take a look inside to see photos of the finished digital print from This Old Game.

Vector grids and stars, who’d have thunk it?

Early in 2010 Kelly sent me a message on my contact page about contracting me to reproduce a Time Pilot ’84 overlay for his game. We exchanged some communication, and shortly thereafter I got a couple of photos showing the panel. As a reproduction artist, it is all too easy to evaluate a project from a simplistic baseline and not critically evaluate the complexity of the artwork.

Time Pilot '84 Overlay - Photo 1

Grid? Stars? Oh yeah, that’s simple. Simple in composition maybe, but not simple in time commitment. Plus, some of the star bursts had this effect that I knew would need to remain in a raster format. I properly set Kelly’s expectations for how much time I thought the project would take and what the results would be.

Time Pilot '84 Overlay - Photo 2

Looking at the side by side comparison of the original beat to heck panel and the new overlay, I think it’s a pretty impressive final result.

If you would like to have a piece of your arcade cabinet restored, drop me a line and I’ll give you a free estimate.

Update 6.11.10
Here is a direct link to the Time Pilot ’84 overlay listing if you would like to purchase one for yourself.

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Wow, that looks great!!! Lots of stars = just as bad as retouching halftones! Your eyes blurry?

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I think your Ice Cold Beer sideart halftones definitely trumped a half dozen star bursts – by far.

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