Slow and steady builds the bomb factory
What do the first Transformers movie, a 2,100 year old melon, and Daimler minus Chrysler all have in common with a certain game named Agent X? They all happened, or started, in 2007. Sometimes, the best things are worth waiting for – let’s hope that is the case with this reproduction artwork. Today, we finally have a progress update.
Agent X kickplate artwork is finally printing!
I still consistently get emails asking about Agent X progress, the project has taken on a mythical urban legend type stature even with the long lifecycle it has taken to produce. You’ll see in these photos the red getting laid down and then a shot of the final piece.

Always exciting to see a piece of arcade artwork I helped bring to life finally get completed. Let’s hope that the sideart will be coming in the next six months.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Atari Agent X / Cloak Dagger Reproduction Artwork Update
- Agent X / Cloak & Dagger Kickplate Artwork Film Updates
- Ms. Pac-man Stencil Separations
- Progress on Bump N Jump Control Panel Overlays at This Old Game
- The “thrill” of printing – new repro project finally hits the press
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The outlay for the large size screens is pretty significant, and I would guess that they wouldn’t be as necessary to have around for other items than arcade sideart…
Are you hosting a large wedding, and is it there in town?
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June 6, 2010
You can bet you will see some sideart before six months…Rich assures me this is on track..I have to get this done before I’m married in August 2010..then I’ll likely be out of the repro business for a while… ๐