Status to date of The Glob artwork

Back in October 2007 I wrote a post detailing the dimensions for a Pac-man cabinet kickplate to use to develop conversion artwork – in this case, The Glob.

That was a ‘fun’ project that was requested from a collector friend in PA. However, it wasn’t a contract job, and I never did composite all of the separate Glob character vector traces I had into something really killer for artwork to be stenciled on the kickplate.

His request really turned me onto the game, The Glob is mega fun, so I do intend to finish that artwork at some time. But as of this writing, I need to take on projects that pay the bills first and I have plenty of those. If someone wants to see the kickplate conversion artwork finished, certainly I’d take some ‘wheel greesing’, but I don’t have any immediately plans this year to finish this artwork.

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Perhaps I should have sent you something free with glob artwork to get you motivated… ๐Ÿ™‚ No rush the project got shelved for other things since this never got completed anyway…

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Rick ยป Schawg for payment is always a good thing. Glob kickplate artwork, smartly & deliberately composed will happen eventually I’m sure.

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