Finding an arcade gem in the comments section of Rotheblog
One of the advantages of having an established blog is that we can be easily found. Half dozen to a dozen times a year we’ll get someone leaving a comment on a related or random post about an arcade game they have for sale. Usually, nothing too interesting, but this time it was a popular game that isn’t too easy to find.
Mad Planets for sale surfaces in eastern Ohio
Timing, timing. I got my Mad Planets for a steal on Craigslist because I was looking at the right time. Bill J. was also in the cursory stage of looking for a Mad Planets, and a gentleman just outside of Pittsburgh, PA (over the border into Ohio), left a comment that he had a Mad Planets for sale that same week.
Knowing that Bill was looking, I put the two guys in touch, and two weeks later, Bill was making the 5.5 hour trek one way from the Detroit area Michigan to pick up his new Mad Planets. He got it for a fair deal, but the most important thing was that this guy had purchased the Mad Planets from a local arcade sometime in the late 80’s. He loved the game and had to have it, and it had been in his possession ever since. The game is in great condition, here are just a couple of photos;

Granted the flightstick has some tape…..But the bottom of the cabinet even looks nice.
Finding a more ‘rare’ arcade game
It can be tricky, especially for that individual who one day decides they want one, and have to try to become established in the arcade collectors circle to unearth one at a decent price. Mad Planets certainly isn’t a Professor Pac-man or Warrior in terms of rarity, but it is not a Pac-man, Asteroids, or even a Q*Bert for that matter. You might spend several months looking for one.
I never delete emails, and I meticulously file each one based on the arcade game that was the subject of discussion. In theory, I could connect an interested buyer to a seller, hopefully within their own state or a state or two over. If you want me to keep an eye out for an arcade game for you, please drop me a line. Otherwise, if you just want to monitor the comments of the site, you can subscribe to that RSS feed as well.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Buy Some Jr. Pac-man NOS Artwork
- Warrior – Converted into a Donkey Kong. Oy.
- Professor Pac-man Logo
- Lower Professor Pac-man cpanel artwork
- Sold the Pac-man, Space Invaders and Ms. Pac-man
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Is nice … Yes! 😉
Always loved the look of the MP. And althouhg that sideart is so simple … it really works imo.

Sprig, I am ok with the blue and red triangled pattern, but you don’t think this machine would have been drop dead gorgeous with a moon scape on there with the Mad Planets ship? Something similar in tone to the overlay or marquee, working in those same colors?

I too like the triangles, but I agree that it could have been so much more. Let’s just say they spent the time creating a great game and had very little time remaining to finish up the side art!

Some good points made by both of you. Of course … a moonscape based sideart could have looked classic and really finished of the cab completely, but I like the idea that the cpo, bezel marquee are quite detailed (especially that moon) yet that completely primary school based sideart seems to still fit into the theme and somehow work. Mix of 70’s & 80’s
I like that!!!

Hello all, I just ran into a Mad Planets for free last month. The cab was in ok shape but the owner broke off a few caps off the switching power supply. The 3.6v battery on the main PCB had leaked down the board which forced me to fix traces as well as a battery replacement. The 20 pin connection ribbon was a mess as well as the transformer and the chassis. With all the issues fixed it runs like a champ.I found some very cool information on this arcade game. I have the bill of sale from 1985 when it sold for $212. It came from Bally’s Aladdin’s Castle #44. The funny part is I went to Aladdin’s a number of times as a kid for my birthday. The coolest part was what I found under the Transformer. When I removed the transformer to fix it I found a token from Aladdins. I was in shock when I picked it up and noticed the castle on the face of the coin. I wanted to share my Mad Planets story with you guys.
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January 25, 2010
Flash magnifies all the blemishes. This thing in person was worthy enough to go right into my game room without being cleaned. I’d actually eat off this one. Always enjoyable to buy a game that doesn’t stink of nicotine or nasty from mouse droppings.