This Old Game re-launches website, this time its great.
Breaking news today, our favorite arcade game reproduction house – This Old Game, relaunched their website with a fully integrated shopping cart using Squirrelcart. If you haven’t visited in awhile, you have to pop by, you will be pleased how much easier it is to purchase arcade artwork.
This Old Game – Best repro house, now with the best website
That’s what I’m declaring. Rich’s new website is the best one out there for finding reproduction items for your arcade games. Actually, he ties with Gamestencils, because they run on the same piece of software. Squirrelcart is great from a maintenance standpoint – it has a fast to use admin interface and leverages content through a great SEO structured framework. It also has all of the features you come to expect, like search, and is graphically pleasing to the eye to boot.
Jamie did the design for Rich’s site, check it out;
Rich’s work is hands down the best, and produced with the highest level of detail – matching or besting anyone out there for printing on vinyl, polycarbonate, mylar, you name it. But for many months now, has been half launched, and was an extremely bad website. Visually / graphically the layout was lacking, user interface was confusing, and with no archival information it seemed as though items were never re-listed, or if they were out of stock they were never noted. But by using SQ Rich should see quite a few more conversions – at least it should be easier to track.
Here’s to repro artwork prosperity
Congrats. Let’s hope this means continued good things for the only custom arcade artwork shop that will take on small runs of reproductions for our favorite games that weren’t produced in great bulk.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Oversize films at This Old Game
- New custom Squirrelcart theme for Replacement Glass
- Squirrelcart Theme – Connector Distribution Corporation
- Small bulk arcade game parts haul
- List of arcade artwork reproductions – Finished, Out of Stock / In Stock
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I think when the parent company total discontinues a product four years ago that should give anyone a sign it isn’t any good…LOL.
I hope Squirrel Cart saves you a ton of time, which means more time for projects 😉 Did Jamie give you instructions, or some sort of batch process to run regular backups?

Backups what are these backups everyone keeps telling me about??-LOL
ahhh no. I guess I gotz some more reading up to do
and yeah so far its been a breeze setting this up and added more items to the new site in one week than I did all last year on the old.

No more building physical HTML pages, linking, and even reduction of the load of how many different images you need to size.
I’ll have to email you about what happened when Bill told you about backing up. But I’ll leave the backup process for your database to Jamie’s advisory. Just ask him what you need to do / how often if you haven’t already.
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December 18, 2009
Hey Thanks Jeff
And a BIG shoutout thanks to Jeff here at the ole Rotheblog as well for switching over all my hostings for both sites and look forward to implentmenting SquirelCArt on soon too.
I had exhausted the limits with frontpage and the paypal shopping cart system on the oldd site and I dont know why I didnt do this from the getgo.