Bleepity, Bloopity – IPM Invader
That’s all I got for the title today. IPM apparantly became IREM, or at least according to, but before they did they released a clone of Space Invaders called just ‘Invader’ with a couple of minor twists.
Photos of IPM Invader Cocktail
Read to the bottom of the note and you’ll see that the game was different from the original Space Invaders in that it used a color monitor, had some sort of ‘coffee break’ interlude, and also has a special setting for the ships to drop capsules that rehatch invaders. Its the little things. Photos weren’t super easy to find online, there isn’t a flyer for IPM Invader, and Klov just has the one photo, so enjoy….

It’s your standard boring cocktail, the overlay has mildly neat artwork but overall still a bland clone of Space Invaders. The owner may take it to the Ohio Pinball show next year, if its something of interest to buy.
Anyone ever seen an upright IPM Invader? Did they exist? Or have you seen any documentation to the game online? Link us to it.
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Wow. Don’t know how I missed that one. Shows on top in the obvious search terms, even if you search ‘wrong’ with IPM Invaders.
Thanks for the link. I guess this will only serve is some collector in Ohio is looking to buy one of these.

Hi there! Great post. I also own a very similar Space Invaders clone called “Mark Stranger 2” or simply “Space Stranger” (depending if your going by the cab or the attract screen). The invaders on mine are different from space invaders. Mine also has a color monitor. Another difference (which is really cool) is the that UFO will stall and sometimes change directions. I have a video of it on youtube if anyone wants to check it out.

@spacedinvader: Thanks for sharing! Interesting top, is that a veneer, or a contact paper laid down over wood?

“”@spacedinvader: Thanks for sharing! Interesting top, is that a veneer, or a contact paper laid down over wood?””
RE: Actually it’s a formica counter top, just like the kind you may have seen in granny’s bathroom! And it’s all original. After searching the internets for another example of this cab, I have only found one; and it has the same top. The owner of the other one was also wondering if his was original. It’s not everyday, or ever — that you see a cocktail that came with something like that from the factory.
It’s weird, from what I’ve gathered about these Space Invaders boots, they still aren’t getting much respect from collectors. I don’t think most people have caught on to the fact that nearly every last one of these has either been trashed, converted or parted out. One day, they are a dime a dozen… and a few decades later, they’re almost completely extinct.
Oh, and in tracking down parts for mine, I’ve come across a local collector with a non-working “Old Space Invaders clone” cocktail that he promised to sell me cheap. Most likely, it will be different than mine and won’t have any of the parts that I need. If I can have it re-capped, I may be able to save it. I’ve been flirting with the idea of turning it into a 60-in-1 if it’s too far gone, but I don’t know if I have the heart to do it. If it’s beyond repair then I may be able to re-unite someone with the impossible to find parts that they need to bring one back from the dead AND have my 60-in-1! I’ll keep you posted…

Years later…
It’s still here (thank God) in all it’s original glory.
I have my 60-in-1 which was made from some other anonymous basket case cab.
I’ve posted some info (instruction manual & schematics) on my blog if anyone ever needs them:
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December 25, 2009
Hey Jeff.
An old aussie personal website, The Pinny Parlour, is still running and he did some research on IPM a few years back.
Here’s the direct link to his IPM Invader site.