Anyone looking for a Taito Operation Wolf?
I have a line on a complete, more than likely not working Operation Wolf. If you haven’t seen the original dedicated cabinet before, check out the photos after the jump. Looking for someone who likes the game, has some space, and wants a deal / has an interesting trade locally to Indianapolis or surrounding cities.
Trade for an Operation Wolf
If you have a lesser value classic either as a double, or something you no longer want I would consider a trade. I have a number of items that I would want only if the situation was right….Mappy, Super Pac-man, a nice Xevious (All seem to be relatively uncommon in Indiana) or something like a Centipede, Williams games like Defender, a Donkey Kong 3…even if money had to change hands as well, something along those lines.
Here are some photos;

How easy is it to fix an Operation Wolf?
As I said, don’t know if this Operation Wolf is working or not but I’ve done some poking around and it seems as though the usual issues with an Operation Wolf would pertain to the obvious culprit, the gun. There is a motor that makes the gun shake and those motors can wear out with a decent amount of play.
That may only be a crucial feature to a die hard Operation Wolf fan, but when the game has issues targeting that is more of a problem. The gun is optical, and when the alignment is off, this could mean that a hack fix of brightening the monitor could be a solution, otherwise trying to purchase another optical board would be necessary.
Operation Wolf Restorable?
Gun problems aside, Operation Wolf will need some donations of time to be a game that can be fully restored with reproduction artwork. The bezel and marquee have been scanned and are available for download, but that nicely designed sideart and awesome huge control panel don’t appear to be available. Certainly I could scan at least the cpanel if it is a game I grab.
If you are interested in adding Operation Wolf to your collection, and are in Indianapolis, Bloomington, Avon, Fishers, Carmel, etc. etc. drop me a line. I may even be able to drop it off depending on location. If you are just in the hunt for an arcade cabinet for a Mame project, check out my Mame arcade cabinet page.
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I don't….I don't even like traveling three hours in the car, let alone that far. Age old problem of distance with this collecting 'thing'.

It's huge isn't it? Operation Wolf was a cool game, but is this thing huge solely for the control panel to fit the gun? If so…what a waste. I've never played one in person, only on a console system.

Operation Wolf is a great game! How big is it? I mean, could someone report the dimensions of the “beast”?

I don’t see dimensions on the original Operation Wolf Taito flyer for the US, but the flyer for Japan’s OP Wolf has MM dimensions, and the cabs are approximately the same shape / size.
It’s just over 6 feet tall, just under 4 feet deep with the gun mounted section and just over 2 feet wide.

Dave Patterson ยป I never picked this game up, I didn’t get interest for a trade within a reasonable distance.
If you are in the Indiana area, I can certainly try to dig up the contact information for the owner in my email if I still have it. Drop me a note on my contact form.
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November 13, 2009
Bah, I have both a Mappy and a Xevious that I'd consider trading… don't have a Vegas road tripped planned, do ya? :]