How to identify this Nintendo VS. Game Board
There are two websites that are really great for identifying an unknown arcade game board (PCB), PCB photos at Xmission and the good old Crazy Kong website. I have a number of websites bookmarked as PCB identification resources, but these two are the best.
I figured out last night that I have a Nintendo Vs. board, but I can’t figure out which one. I figured some of my readers would know what number or other visual keys to look for to identify which one.
Nintendo Vs. Board Photos
I found a number of boards that have this little mini board mounted, but none of them looked exact to me. I thought some of the possibilities – Vs. Dr. Mario, TKO Boxing, Platoon or Goonies.
Here are the photos that I have taken of the PCB, trying to show some details.
This was one of just a handful of PCBs that I got recently from a local ex operator’s wife. If you want to see some of the items I got, and the other 200+ photos, check out the ‘Bulk Arcade Parts Photo Album‘.
If you have suggestions on how to definitely figure out the identity of this board, or have some other insights to PCB websites I might be missing, leave a comment.
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I assume I would need a ROM burner to dump them, and I don’t have one of those. Surely someone can visually ID this, and I will take more photos as necessary…

The key is in the Konami daughtercard, with the two Mitsubishi chips (CHR, PRG). Those two chips contain the sprites (CHR/Character data) and program code (PGR/Program). Doing a search for “mds-gn nintendo vs. board” in Google brings up this site:
Looking on the list for Nintendo boards, it looks like you have a Vs. Goonies board there. (MDS-GN is the key information!)
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July 17, 2009
Can you dump any of the ROMs? I just heard the other day that MAME has the ability to scan one or more ROMs and compare them against its database. I would think 2-3 ROMs should be enough to get a positive ID if the set is one that MAME knows about.