Crazy day for arcade games on Craigslist
The games were falling like rain on Monday. Ms. Pac-man, Jr. Pac-man and a Omega Race cocktail, all for astonishing prices or for free, and all of them gone in a split second.
Unprecedented economy = Collector’s market
In the morning there was a complete free Ms. Pac-man upright on Craigslist in Chicago, and not a minute or two later an Omega Race cocktail was listed for $90. A cocktail cabinet itself runs more than that, and I know someone close to me that is looking for cockpit and cocktail Omega Race PCBs (If you know someone who has a small lot of them non working, let me know). Here is the Craigslist text for both of these Chicago goodies respectively;
THIS MACHINE IS WORKING FINE, NEEDS A LIL WORK ON THE OUT SIDE BUT WORKS GREAT, STANDARD MS.PAC-MAN,ORIGINAL PARTS, THE MACHINE IS FROM 1986 SO IT SHOW SINGS OF USE. If you wish to come pick it up you will need a big vehicle please contact me at 1-630-802-5064
I didn’t see this initially. I guess that the voicebox was clogged within minutes. And the Omega Race post. Chris emailed on it, but didn’t hear back. If you were the lucky person to pick up this working Omega Race in Elgin, IL give us a shout.
Video Arcade Game “Omega Race” Cocktail type model. Video needs work but the system itself works. Includes a parts and operating manual.
The Jr. Pac-man in Nashville, IN
Originally I had started to write this post because there was a Mappy style Jr. Pac-man in Nashville, TN. No wait. That is Nashville, IN. The listing was for a large lot of 10 games for $1100. I couldn’t tell from the photos whether the Jr. Pac was a Mappy conversion or not and the game was a little beat – it needed a bath about as bad a Joaquin Phoenix.

I saw the listing come up on my feed, they looked mostly like 90’s and fighting games so I was surprised to see the Jr. Pac-man sitting there. For 10 games, that is a pretty good price, especially if he is really asking somewhere around $150 for the Junior. He doesn’t indicate whether he’d sell them individually, but my guess is he might have to whether he wants to or not.
Originally I thought it might be hard to find a taker for games in this lot size which include Operation Wolf and Tekken. They were all medium demand games except the Ms. Pac-man, and possibly the Golden Tee. (Neo Geo Samaria Showdown, Neo Geo Strikers, 1945) But in the time I got in touch with the guy he had someone heading over to look at the games within 15 minutes. The games were sold an hour later!
All is well. I didn’t need another Mappy style cabinet, at least that is what I keep telling myself 😉 I am still trying to hunt down the individual who purchased the lot to see if I can keep that Jr. Pac-man in Indiana. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen one for sale in Indiana, let alone so close. I had to make a note.
2 Hours – 13 Arcade games sold in the midwest
Great prices and the games all changed hands in a short period of time. Too much of an anomaly to not mention. If you picked up the Ms. Pac-man or the lot of games from Nashville, IN give me a shout, and oh – congratulations.
Anyone participated in some fashion with multiple Craigslist ads in such a short period of time? What was the result?
Update – September 18, 2009
Looks like Scott in Trafalgar (SGBlade) picked up that Jr. Pac-man out of Nashville, along with those other cabinets. Nice job. Scott has an impressive collection. I would be interested to pop by and check out your gameroom at some point. Drop me a line.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Dedicated Jr. Pac-man on Craigslist in AZ
- My Tunnel Hunt for your Omega Race cocktail
- What’s it worth? Working Omega Race
- Another missed cocktail deal!
- Jr. Pac-man discarded on the road – Nashville, Tennessee
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June 13, 2009
Truthfully, these games as is are not as good as i was expecting