Mad Planets Bezel Artwork Finished
I cranked through this Mad Planets artwork this week, knowing the end of the week and weekend would be busy busy and after a little hiatus since my last vector project in the Rally-X control panel, I was in the zone to finish this bezel. I am really pumped, the artwork was pretty tedious in portions and I’m happy to have it finished and ready for the next piece.
Goodbye Mad Planets Moon and Ship
Here’s an image of the final artwork. The ship with the blue texture about killed me. I thought I would have about a half hour left tonight so I would just finish it. I think all of the final touches and checking took me over an hour and a half.

Here is a comparison detail shot of the Mad Planets blue moon;

And the ship, the two most detailed areas that took the most time.

I will be checking the artwork over again with all of the details before calling it ‘final – final’, there may be some small details not right, a dot or two in the wrong stacking order, but 99.9% of the artwork is done and right. As you’ll see, color matching would need to take place as well.
Tracing can be enjoying, but a night like this makes me appreciate the focus and attention to detail of the Mame team who continue to vector every bezel that exists. So many of these bezels are have a similar level of detail. Blah.
Onto the Mad Planets lower artwork below the control panel.
Update 4.3.10 – For those that haven’t done any research about Gottlieb, it might be time. The artwork for this Mad Planets piece could in theory be printed at any time. But you know the reasons preventing it from being mass printed. I only prepped it for making my own from scratch Mad Planets, and I ended up finding a complete one instead.
Here are some similar arcade posts
- Crazy detail in the Mad Planets bezel artwork
- Mad Planets underlay artwork finished
- Mad Planets underlay artwork progress
- Mad Planets underlay artwork progress part 2
- The “Mad” Planets align, got game guts in the mail
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Great Job, Jeff:
I’ll take three….
Really, don’t know if I told you I’m a Gottlieb video game collector, I’ve got 3 MP cabs (all reserved for a tournament) with original bezels. I just looked at them: one is faded, one has water damage in the corner and one has an obvious fold in the center (from shipping)

Nice work m8.
Sorry I couldn’t recover my original incomplete trace m8. Looks like my HD crash those years ago really stuffed it!!
Tried everything but no bananas unfortunately!

Although I like Illustrator, I will say that when I used to use Macromedia Freehand, I never had the resource usage problems or file corruption problems I’ve had with Adobe. It’s a great piece of software, but nothing is perfect.
In your case, you did what you could, but those hard drive crashes are almost always non-recoverable.

Dealing with IT here at work. It’s not “IF” you’ll have a hard drive crash it’s “WHEN”. Backup your data. Really, everyone should have an off site backup. Even if you backup your critical data to DVD and mail it to your mom’s house. I’ve been hearing a lot of information about online backup from a company called carbonite. I need to start practicing what I preach.
Carbonite’s Unlimited Online Backup
Oh, and Jeff… So you do actually like something about Freehand huh? I learned on Aldus Freehand and now that Adobe did a hostile takeover of my beloved Freehand I’ve finally moved over to Illustrator. Just wish Adobe would give me a “Freehand” menu option. I still think Freehand is less “clunky”. But, Illustrator is still very nice.

I learned both at the University of Michigan, Freehand I learned on my own and Illustrator in my Senior year just before I left. Illustrator’s workflow always made more sense to me since I had used other Adobe products. But Freehand certainly was more stable I thought, just not accepted industry wide. I adapt pretty well, I could see the writing on the wall.

Sorry to bump a year-old discussion, but did these ever get produced? I just acquired a Mad Planets that looks fairly nice but the top of the bezel is chewed up. Would love to get a repro!

@SanTe, I’ll let Jeff answer your question however was wondering if you just won the MadPlanets off of E-bay last week?

@Bill Jr.(AudioMidiMan), yes that is the one. I’d been looking for a Mad Planets for almost two years. Nice to finally see one come available.
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March 13, 2009
Very very nice. Are your eyes crossed now?